Posts published on August 1, 2010

Policies And Practices That Enhance Transfer From 2-Year To 4-Year Colleges

Promising Practices in Statewide Articulation and Transfer Systems, highlights promising statewide articulation and transfer efforts. Specific recommendations to states include regular and systematic evaluation of articulation and transfer policies that respond to changing conditions and consider the perspectives of a broad range of stakeholders, the allocation of funds to aid in the development of policies and practices that support and measure articulation and transfer efforts, and the identification of key metrics related to articulation and transfer systems. The publication further recommends that states foster collaboration and communication through the creation of standing committees focused on multi-institution transfer, the establishment of a state-level office or position that facilitates a statewide approach to articulation and transfer, and the development of clear transfer pathways for community college student .

While, this publication highlights “promising practices,” it is important to understand that there is little evidence of what actually works and that few policies are consistently and regularly measured against performance metrics. Instead, those working in this area have to rely on what they think is effective. For this reason, this publication documents policies and practices that are “promising,” but not necessarily proven strategies for success.

Here is the link:

This report is one deliverable from a joint project of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) and Hezel Associates, with funding from Lumina Foundation for Education, that seeks to develop a deeper understanding of how states coordinate articulation and transfer policies and practices. Other deliverables to be published in coming weeks include individual state profiles and a policy brief about state web portals designed to ease transfer processes for students.

For hard copies or if you have any questions, please contact Demarée Michelau, WICHE’s director of policy analysis, at or 303.541.0223.