Posts published on July 26, 2017

Why College Students Need Business Cards


A lot of people think that business cards are only for people who are already working in the corporate world. This really isn’t the case at all. Students can benefit from having business cards. In fact, it is especially important for students who are trying to network and make the connections they need to further their careers after graduation (or before if they are looking for internships). You can start building your personal brand now. All you need is the right business card.


Why You Need a Business Card Now

There are several reasons why students should have their own business cards, including:

  • Sharing Contact Info – If you find yourself constantly writing your name and contact info down on scraps of paper so people can get in touch with you, you need a business card. This is going to make your life a lot easier, and you won’t be looking for bar napkins, matchbooks, etc. to write things on.
  • Look Professional – When you are scribbling contact info on scraps of paper, it doesn’t look overly professional, especially when you are trying to network. Having business cards on hand will ensure that you can always let people know how to contact you, and look like a professional instead of just another student.
  • Personal Branding – You will be graduating soon, and you need to start thinking about your personal brand now. Is it going to be in your area of study, a certain industry, your own business, etc.? Personal branding really begins in college, and it is important to have business cards that make you stand out in a sea of students who are all trying to get the same things you want, including great jobs.
  • Networking – College is one of the best times in your life to make connections with the right people who can help you advance in your career. Make sure that you are handing out business cards to the right connections, and that those cards include your name, contact information, and your area of study, unless you are looking for work now and don’t want to focus on the fact that you are still a student. In that case, leave out this information, and replace it with your area of interest.

What to Put on Your Business Cards

Your business card is how you present yourself, so you need to make sure that it looks great, and that it makes you look just as great. For starters, it must be printed on quality card stock. Search online to get great deals on bulk business card printing. Keep in mind that if your card looks cheap, it is not going to look good on you. Other things to keep in mind when creating your business cards include:

  • Contact Information – Include your name, title, email, telephone number, and other methods you use for contact.
  • Professional Interest – Even if you have not completed your degree, the business card should refer to your professional interest.
  • Images – An icon or image is going to make your business cards more personal, and using an image related to your area of study will help keep it career-focused.
  • Less is More – Don’t think that you have to put your entire resume on your business card, or that you have to load it down with images. Keep it simple, so it is easier for people to see the info they need when they need it.
  • Get Lots of Cards – Make sure that you get plenty of cards printed. You never know when you are going to need to hand them out, and you need to make sure that you don’t run out. A good rule of thumb is to have 500 printed at a time.


Jane Hurst has been working in education for over 5 years as a teacher. She loves sharing her knowledge with students, is fascinated about edtech and loves reading, a lot. Follow Jane on Twitter.