5 Tips to Succeed After College

By Taylor Tomita

Careful planning and critical thinking are vastly essential as we traverse through the college world. Pinpointing which professional field to major in, surviving the college life on miniscule incomes, and allowing yourself to take on new opportunities are all tasks that require these characteristics in order to succeed.

The truth is, things are not much different after college. Venturing out and succeeding within the “after college” world holds a strong calling for these characteristics. It is vital to carry them as you venture out within the world. Thankfully there are many tips and tricks to aid you on this journey.

Here are the 5 best pieces of advice I have heard for individuals aiming for success in the after college world.

Ask for Help

Asking your peers for help is a tactic that is often overlooked. There are a number of successful individuals within the working world who were once in the same position you may be – lost. It is important to understand that there are numerous opportunities to gain insights and knowledge from industry experts and colleagues, and these people are almost always willing to help. Seeking guidance shows that you are dedicated to mastering the field in which you work, and is often encouraged by employers throughout the world.

Be Presentable

As you venture out into the job-seeking world, it is highly important to make yourself presentable on both a physical and emotional level. This means, not only should you dress for the job you want, but you should focus on being respectful and charismatic so you can overcome these tough interview questions that have hindered many job seeker’s interview attempts in the past.

Take Risks

Many fresh college graduates miss out on a vast majority of opportunities due to being too nervous or scared to take risks. Enormous opportunities often arise from taking risks like relocating to a more prosperous city or even taking a chance by working for a growing startup company. It is important to take a step back and understand that this time of our lives is meant for taking risks. If things do not work out, there are a plethora of other opportunities waiting for our arrival.

Keep Learning

No matter what you have majored in, it is vital to continue taking in new information about the industry. Many individuals seem to plateau their learning after graduating, but this severely hinders their ability to move forward. There are always opportunities to expand your education and many employers will be impressed to see you have earned a degree, but have also taken initiative to be certified in various other aspects of the career. It never hurts to take in more information, and who knows, perhaps doing so will help land another position within your current career or help expand further into new opportunities.

Don’t Limit Yourself

Often times, college graduates fall under the mercy of bad employment deals, because they are not confident in their ability to factor their needs into their job. Of course, we all have high expectations of how our futures and careers will pan out, but an enormous factor in this success is knowing how to negotiate salaries and understanding that good employers encourage this to help you stay motivated. The sky is the limit, but you are going to have to put the effort in.


Overall, the after college world can be a rollercoaster ride, but being able to stay motivated and striving to succeed will open many opportunities along the way.

Thank you for reading. Let’s keep the conversation going. What tips do you have to succeed after college?


Author Bio: Taylor Tomita is a creative writer residing in Boise, Idaho. Focusing on various angles of education and business, Taylor has been able to help many individuals overcome concerns within these fields. When not writing, you can find Taylor playing in the band Stepbrothers or hanging out with his cat at home. Follow him on Twitter (@Trvshlvrd_rr)!