14 Online Resources For Business Administration And Entreprenuership Students
BY Jessica Millis
So you’re attending college to get that business degree and launch yourself into the corporate world. Congratulations! Welcome to the bottom of the barrel, or field, where each crab or otherwise known as student, perpetually claws its way to the top yet rarely ever makes it. “But my focus is in entrepreneurship. I’ll run my own business so that way I’ll be at the top of the food chain,” you say. Any and every one with internet access can run their own business from home.
Here are 14 Online Business Resources for College Students to help you not only land the job you want, or run your startup business to the best of your ability, but also some resources that will help you excel in your business and entrepreneurship courses.
1. Noobpreneur
Noobpreneur, the featured, spotlight here today was voted one of Forbes ‘100 Best Websites for Entrepreneur’ in 2013! Noobpreneur stands for Newbie Entrepreneur, but is best defined as “someone who is not afraid to learn new knowledge and try new things,” right from Founder/CEO Ivan Widajaya’s mouth. The overall aim of Noobpreneur is to offer tips and ideas for small business owners, written by various small business owners and business professionals for small business owners and business professionals.
2. Elite Daily
Elite Daily, ‘The Voice of Generation-Y,’ is a “natural amalgamation of the voices of your millennial peers,” with a mission to dictate a story that will engage its reader and foster a distinctive connection with its readership. Elite daily is very unique in media publication due to the staff being entirely comprised of millennials. There isn’t any resource quite like Elite Daily that speaks to college students on terms that they can directly relate to and understand.
3. Under30CEO
Under30CEO is the result of two college graduates who put in ungodly hours to turn their basement empire into a five-figure monthly business, and a six figure travel business. They desire nothing more than to provide you with all of the tools and resources that they used so that you can reach the level of success you desire. Instead of being stuck in your mom’s basement, unable to make it in the “real world,” due to your college degree not teaching you what you really need to know or accruing another $100 to $200k in debt for your MBA.
4. Student Competitions
Student Competitions (SC) is an online resource not just for business and entrepreneurship students, but for any student who understands the benefits of student competitions. SC specializes in organizing and marketing global, regional, or local competitions with the sole intended purpose of connecting student talent such as yourself, to “glocal” demand. Winning or competing in student competitions can provide you with the opportunity to travel, network with potential employers and peers, win prizes and most importantly have fun!
5. Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur Media, Inc. is a media publishing company that runs the award winning Entrepreneur website to stand as a resource and provide news about the entrepreneurial world, small business management and business opportunities. Young Entrepreneur is a spinoff from Entrepreneur, and can be found at this web address, which essentially takes you back to entrepreneur.com.
6. Black Enterprise
Black Enterprise focuses on four content channels to help you achieve results. Black Enterprise call “the only yardstick for success that matters,” which include Publishing, Digital, Broadcast and Events. The singular mission of Black Enterprise is to help its readers become full participants in wealth creation within the global economy through education and empowerment.
7. Inc.
Inc.com is the publisher of Inc. magazine, the premier print publication for entrepreneurs and business owners for over 30 years, and the one-stop shop to find everything you need to know to start and grow your business now. In 1982 they started the Inc. 500 to showcase the fastest-growing privately held companies in the United States, then expanded the list to the Inc. 5000 twenty-five years later to provide a more holistic look at the entrepreneurial landscape in the US. Use their wisdom, to grow your business.
8. MarketingProfs
MarketingProfs is trusted by 611,000 professionals globally for their real-world marketing education. You can find training, best practices, research and other content at MarketingProfs, through their Industry Leading Business-to-Business (B2B) Marketing event, 451 different Seminars, 121 Podcasts and over 18,600 articles. Their top topics are usually based on marketing strategies, email marketing, and social media, provided from a union of professors and business professionals who bring together an expertise of publishing, technology, academia and marketing.
9. Open Forum by American Express
Open Forum by American Express is a place where business professionals come to exchange advice and ideas on how to improve products/services, customer relations, tax help, and improve leadership by tackling leadership issues. The driving message behind Open Forum is to help you make smarter decisions. You can start by choosing to use Open Forum as one of your business resources.
10. Small Business Trends
Small Business Trends is another award-winning online publication who prides themselves on being the premier source of information, breaking news and advice covering issues of key importance to small businesses. Business is ever-evolving, so it’s important to stay up with the trends. Do so here with Small Business Trends.
11. Hubspot
Hubspot make their culture code publically available, and have been awarded the Employees’ Choice Best Places to Work award in 2014. Hubspot’s mission and vision is to “make the world more inbound, one business transformation after another.” Inbound marketing, is the proper business terminology for content marketing, by following the process of attracting strangers and turning them into visitors of your website, then converting them into business leads.
12. Social Media Today
Social Media Today is another highly popular independent, online community that is geared towards helping any professional gain a thorough understanding of social media, including but not limited to Public Relations, marketing, and advertising. Social Media Today LLC is focused on not just simply publishing content, but creating community.
13. Small Business Association
Small Business Association offer tools, such as training, local assistance, contracts you can apply for and help creating business plans, amongst their plethora of other services provided to small businesses since July 30th of 1953. Their mission is to help Americans start, build and grow businesses.
14. B2B Marketing Insider
B2B Marketing Insider is led by 20 year marketing veteran Michael Brenner. B2B Marketing insider is dedicated to providing the information necessary to drive the results in business that people care the most about: sales, leads, and customer loyalty. You won’t go wrong, learning from a pro, like Michael Brenner.
Navigate to the site that fits your style the best, and provides you with resources you’ll utilize the most. Save them into your favorites today!
Jessica Millis, aspiring writer and editor. Her dream is to publish her first novel.