20 Tools Students And Teachers Should Try
By Lesley J. Voss
(This version has hot links to all 20, and is revised since first posted on May 21.)
Both modern students and teachers are so lucky to live in the Internet era, when so many useful resources and educational tools can be found and used online. To make your process of study easier and funnier, we’ve gathered these 20 tools to help you teach and study, and we highly recommend to try them in order to understand how pleasant education can be.
So, here we go.
Remind101 (https://www.remind101.com/). This tool is perfect for teachers who do not hesitate communicating with their students’ parents. It lets you send short text messages to share information quickly and easily.
Padlet (http://padlet.com). This tool is a good chance for your students to introduce themselves and know each other better. Young students will definitely find it interesting to get acquainted with fellows in such a creative way. Make them interested in the process of study with the help of this cool tool.
The Rapid E-Learning Blog (http://www.articulate.com/rapid-elearning/). Here a perfect resource for e-learners comes! This blog of Tom Kuhlmann will help a student find all necessary information about everything related to e-learning, and make this process easier and more productive for himself.
Saylor. (http://www.saylor.org/) A very helpful tool for every student who is searching for free classes to attend and many different subjects to learn. Here you’ll find them all and choose a class and a subject that fit you most at this very moment.
KnowledgeNet. (http://www.knowledgenet.com/) This resource is a must-visit for those students who have IT-related subjects and dream to understand them all. Here they will find all sources related to the subject, and they will be able to use these sources for citation.
Bid4Papers blog. (http://bid4papers.com/blog) This place is Mecca for students who do not like process of writing much and who always find academic writing a real problem. Here they will find advice from experts, learn all writing tips and tricks, get the information on academic writing, and will be able to use it in practice.
Coursera. (https://www.coursera.org/) This tool lets students find all available free courses from prestigious universities all over the world. It will be perfect for those ones who want to expand knowledge and get some new skills to use during study.
Socrative. (http://www.socrative.com) All teachers will definitely like this tool and decide to try it in a classroom, as it provides many interesting educational games for students to play during educational process. This is your chance to engage students into the process of study.
TutorsClass. (http://www.tutorsclass.com/) This tool is perfect to use for both students and teachers who practice distance learning. Being a teacher, you are welcome to create your profile there and invite students to join your virtual classroom.
Alison. (http://alison.com/) A tool for everyone who wants to study. Nothing can be easier: tell Alison about everything you want to learn, and it will provide you with all necessary tools for that. Everything you should do now is checking and using tools provided.
Study Guide Zone. (http://www.studyguidezone.com/) Students will find different tests to check their knowledge here, including GED, ACT, and SAT. Check how many scores you can get, and it will be clear what aspects you should still learn better to improve your final results.
Find Tutorials. (http://www.findtutorials.com/) This resource is created for students who need practical information. Here you’ll find collections of different tutorials on various topics. Moreover, every tutorial is voted by users, so it will be easier for you to understand which of them is worth checking.
Screenr. (http://www.screenr.com/) This tool allows you to record audio messages, that is why it will be quite useful for teachers who practice audio classes. When you need to explain students how this or that website works for example, Screenr will become your best helper here.
Google Forms. (https://support.google.com/drive/answer/87809?hl=en) A perfect tool for teachers who gather much information about students and their parents. Google Forms will help you collect and remember all info easily. Such a tool will be useful for students too, as it can help them remember all necessary information on classes, exams, assignments, etc.
Any.do. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anydo) This tool is used by many people for tasks organization; and students are welcome to use it in order to create their to-do lists, that will help them remember all the information concerning tests, classes, dead lines, meetings with their teachers, and much more.
Scribd. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.scribd.app.reader0) This resource is the biggest library online, where both students and teachers can find millions of books and other documents important for their projects and studies. You are welcome to create your own online library here, so it will be much easier to organize your literature and find it when needed.
Course Buffet. (http://www.coursebuffet.com/) Here a student can easily find courses he needs. This website collects and generates all educational courses available at different resources, and it becomes much easier to find them, as you do not have to search the Web for a long time anymore.
Compass Learning. (http://www.compasslearning.com/) Being a teacher, it’s sometimes very difficult to understand a student, his needs, strengths, and motivations. You are welcome to use this website in order to personalize your approach to different students and understand their individual characteristics.
EasyBib. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.easybib.easybibandroid) No studying process can be imagined without essay writing and creating a list of citations afterward. To make this process easier, you can use EasyBib: just enter a book’s title, and you will get the right citation of it.
TED. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ted.android&hl) No teacher or student should forget about TED! Get an access to high-quality videos of business or educational conferences, listen to experts of different fields, and open your mind to new horizons.
By Lesley J. Vos (https://plus.google.com/u/0/104477859890679478406/about), a private educator of French language and a passionate blogger who works on her first e-book at the moment.