Posts published in October, 2010
Should Colleges Be Paid For Completion Rather Than Enrollment In Courses?
Many states pay colleges forĀ initial student enrollment, credit hour, or after a few weeks in a course. For example, California community colleges are paid by the state after the third week of enrollment. What if colleges were paid only for students who completed courses? This would change the colleges incentives, and spur more student progress toward completion of their programs.
Comprehensive Overhaul Of State College System Proposed in Arizona
Arizona is under svere fiscal pressure to drastically rehtink its public college system. The Arizona Board of Regents is drawing a road map for how to reshape higher education in the state, and ideas being floated include a dramatic expansion of online education and a new taxing source for universities to add to or replace legislative funding. The ideas also include privatizing some universities’ schools, eliminating underperforming or duplicate academic programs and doubling research grant dollars. The so-called Arizona Higher Education Enterprise is part of a strategy approved by the regents that seeks to increase the percentage of adults with bachelor’s degrees by 2020. Source: ECS