Posts published on February 26, 2016

10 Health and Wellness Tips for Female College Students

By Jane Hurst

Many teen girls think that college is going to be a carefree moment in their lives. Where they can do absolutely anything and not worry about the outcome. While this is true to a point, going off to college is also one of the first and most fundamental steps to true adulthood, which means that it is necessary to balance those carefree times and responsibilities. The experience will literally change your life, and the goal is to make it change your life for the better. Here are some tips that will help you get through your college years with a great education and amazing memories.


1) Make Friends – People come and go the same way you pass cars in a highway. Some may never play any role in your life whatsoever, but some may play an important role (both good or bad). This is the time in your life when you are going to cultivate life-long friendships. Open yourself up to meeting new people and making all kinds of new friends. These are the people who are going to give you encouragement when you need it the most. You will learn from these people, their cultures and there difference which in result will make you a diverse being.


2) Get Plenty of Sleep – As tempting as it may be to party hard and pull overnighters; you are not going to ace those exams if you aren’t getting enough sleep. Unfortunately, this may be too much to ask for, given the vast number of activities in college. So for those days when you just couldn’t sleep, you may have to spend a fortune on make-up to cover up those bags under your eyes. Nonetheless, It’s important to get into the habit of getting eight hours of sleep every night.


3) Eat Healthy – Even though you’re not at home eating meals cooked by Mom, that doesn’t mean that you have carte blanch to go nuts on junk food. Your body, and your mind will not work properly if you aren’t eating properly. Your meal plan probably offers a variety of tempting foods, but be conservative. One thing I can tell you for sure is that your metabolism will betray you as you grow older. So eat wisely. Make sure that your daily breakfast is high in fiber and protein, and avoid processed foods and junk food as much as possible.


4) Read a Lot – Don’t just read the textbooks you are assigned each semester. Take time to read magazines, novels, etc. Not only is this a great way to relax, it will also help to keep your mind active, and you will do better with your studies. They say the vastest knowledge source is in the graves. It’s always good to have a mentor but finding a mentor in books will guide you in the right path.


5) Take power Naps – Speaking of sleep, another good habit to get into is taking power naps. When your brain is feeling fuzzy, a short nap is the best way to make it clear again. All you need is a short nap (15 to 30 minutes) later in the afternoon to feel refreshed and ready to take on the world.


6) Get Exercise – We all know that we are supposed to exercise every day. This is extremely important when you are in college. It is very common for female students to gain 15 to 20 pounds during their first year of college. This is hard to take off, and often, more weight piles on. An easy cheat would be to get a waist trainer. This will emphasize the results of your exercises and focus them on molding your body to an hourglass figure.  Exercise daily, try yoga, and you won’t have to worry about a thing.


7) Avoid “Study Aids” – A lot of students use caffeine pills, Adderall, energy drinks, etc. to give them enough energy to get through each day. Don’t let yourself fall into this habit. It is not just incredibly unhealthy, it is addictive and can lead to taking other drugs. Enjoy the odd energy drink, but don’t overdo it.


8) Don’t Spread Germs – If you are sick, stay home! Unless you absolutely must be in class for an important assignment or test, there is no sense in spreading germs to students and teachers. Be sure to wash your hands regularly, get a flu shot every year, and don’t share cups and eating utensils.


9) Party Responsibly – We all love to party, and college is one of the best times to do it. But, it is more important than ever that women are careful when they are partying. There are more and more cases of sexual assaults on campuses, and these assaults often involve alcohol and drugs. Have fun, but be safe.


10) Don’t Drink and Drive – This is probably the most important piece of advice you will ever hear in your life. Many young people have the tendency to think that they are invincible, and that they can handle their liquor well enough to be able to drive. If you are going to be drinking, make arrangements for sober transportation.



Jane Hurst has been working in education for over 5 years as a teacher. She loves sharing her knowledge with students, is fascinated about edtech and loves reading, a lot. Follow Jane on Twitter!