Case Studies Of 38 Succesful High Schools For College Readiness
Creating College Readiness
by the Educational Policy Improvement Center
As part of its ongoing mission to promote the college readiness of high school graduates, the Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC) visited 38 high schools across the country that demonstrated success in preparing underrepresented students for higher education. The chosen schools represented a diverse cross-section of the nation’s education system, including alternative, charter, comprehensive, early-college, magnet, and private institutions. EPIC staff conducted on-site observations and interviews throughout 2007 and compiled profiles highlighting the programs, strategies, and philosophies that contributed to the effectiveness of each school. These profiles were recently published online under the name Creating College Readiness.
Creating College Readiness is now available for download, free of charge, from the Educational Policy Improvement Center. This publication is recommended reading for teachers and administrators interested in college-ready techniques with proven success in the real world. It can be found at