10 Tips for Improving Teacher-Student Relationships



You can get a lot out of your classes by attending, listening, and paying attention. But, you can really get a lot out of your classes if you establish good relationships with your teachers. Not only can they help you with the classes they are teaching, there are many other ways they can help you with your academic life. They have a lot of information that can help you to get ahead of the game. They can also be there if you need an understanding ear or help finding various resources for school, as well as mental and physical health. Here are some tips that will help you improve the teacher-student relationship.

  1. Introduce Yourself Immediately – Right after your first class, go up and introduce yourself to the teacher and let them know how excited you are about the class. Talk to them regularly, and soon enough they will remember who you are.
  2. Research Your Teachers – Go online and look up your teachers. Find out who they are, their hobbies and interests, and in particular, their research interests. This is a great way to find out which teachers are going to be able to help you get more specific information on certain subjects.
  3. Visit During Office Hours – When you visit teachers during their office hours, but outside of classes, you have more of a chance to get to know them and really establish relationships. In time, you will discuss more than academics, and you will have a good source for advice on many things in life.
  4. Participate in Class – If you are not participating in classes, the teachers aren’t going to expect much from you. They will think that you do not have an interest, and they will spend more time on the students who are active in class and show that they want to learn.
  5. Tell them Your Goals – “You have professional goals. Tell your teachers what those goals are. Not only will it show them that you do want to learn, it will also open a door for you to go to them for career advice, and even letters of recommendation,” suggests an expert from Call Wiser.
  6. Get Good Grades – This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is just as important as class participation, if not more so. When students are not getting good grades, their teachers don’t tend to take them very seriously. If you are trying and can’t get your grades up, talk to your teachers about the problem and ask for help.
  7. See them After Class – Whenever the opportunity arises, stop and talk with your teachers after classes. This is an excellent time to ask any questions you may have about lectures, thank the teacher for the class, etc.
  8. Be Confident – Don’t just participate in class. Be confident about your participation. Show your enthusiasm for what you are learning. The more you do things like this, the more you stand out, and the teachers will take notice.
  9. Stay in Contact – These days, most teachers provide students with email addresses that they can be reached at for questions. Take advantage of this. Stay in contact so they don’t forget who you are. Ask questions about lectures, assignments, or about anything that you may be confused about.
  10. Be Passionate – You are taking classes for a reason: to get you into your dream career. Obviously, you have a passion for it, so show your teachers that passion. If you are taking an archaeology class because you want to be an archaeologist, share this with your teacher. They will get to know you better, and be more apt to help you find ways to reach your career goals.


Lorraine McKinney is an academic tutor and elearning sp

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