Career Choices Of the Future For College Students

By Melissa Burns

We live in probably the most fascinating historical period so far – every day brings something new, technology develops at breakneck speed, the world changes more in twenty years than it changed in a century before that.

But it has its downsides, and they come from the same source: today you cannot say whether the job you are studying for is going to be in demand ten years from now or will become completely obsolete. That’s why it pays to be prepared and look before you leap: here we’ve compiled a list of careers that are going to prosper in the years to come. For sure.

1.     Computer Technology

All jobs that have anything to do with computers, networks, programming, coding, web design and suchlike are on the increase and are going to remain so for a long time. We can hardly imagine what this field is going to look like in a decade or so, but we may be completely sure: it is not going to go away. We have already entered the digital age, and the grasp of computer technology over our reality will be getting more and more firm as the time goes by.

2.     Business

Business has always been the main engine for progress of humanity, and with the growing globalization of world economy it is going to strengthen its positions even more. Both large corporations and small businesses are hiring specialists in market and process analysis, financial advisors, business operations managers, compliance officers and other specialists, and the demand for them is only going to increase.

Some colleges have general business courses, some, like Brown Mackie College, have specialized curricula developed with the participation of employers and, therefore, specifically tailored to current economic situation.

3.     Healthcare

The percentage of senior citizens in developed countries has been increasing for decades – and old age brings with it diseases. It is only natural that the demand for high quality healthcare and all the jobs within this sphere is going to increase as well. That is why all those who train as doctors, nurses, chemists, pharmacists, medical technicians and suchlike are making a surefire investment in their future.

4.     Scientific Research

We live in times of fascinating breakthroughs in medicine, biology, manufacturing, engineering, physics and other fields of human knowledge. Every year humankind widens the horizons of knowledge and find out more about the universe, effectively removing ‘fiction’ from ‘science fiction’ – if you have any inclination to join those who build the future, it is high time to do so, for their work is going to be more and more important.

5.     Environmental and Conservation Sciences

‘Green’ seems to be the byword of today. Green energy, green industry, green transportation, green everything. Environmental engineering, conservation studies and similar fields are in their initial stages of development, but there are going to grow in importance as the humankind gets more and more interested in limiting the harmful effects our activities have on our common home, the Earth.

6.     Athletic Trainers

The society is slowly but steadily growing more and more health-oriented – and it doesn’t just mean that people are going to visit doctors more often. They try to take care of their health so that they don’t have to visitor doctors at all – and here personal athletic trainers come into the picture. Not everybody is ready to create his or her own workout programs or do the research to do so – those who help people stay fit are going to have a lot of work to do in the decades to follow.

Take a good care at these fields – probably it is time to change your career choice, or adapt to the changing situation in some other way.

Melissa is a student of journalism. She is passionate about digital technologies and tries to implement them in the sphere of education. – See more at:


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