College Certificates Lead To Higher Income Than 2 Year Degrees

Professional certificates more valued than associates’ degrees
According to a national longitudinal study of U.S. workers who are now in their mid 30s, approximately “40 percent of those with certificates or licenses were earning more money than their peers with just an associate’s degree; more than a quarter of those with certificates or licenses were making more than those with bachelor’s degrees.”

One comment on “College Certificates Lead To Higher Income Than 2 Year Degrees”

  1. What do you expect? Of course those with degree could get a higher pay. Not discriminating those who taking associate’s. But in the world, how people look to those with degrees especially to those who took their master’s or has a license is higher. They deserve nevertheless. First, those who have master’s/license are more determined, not saying that those who are not taking master’s are not BUT taking master’s is not an easy task, it really takes a determined person to do them.

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