Colleges Should Help Students Produce not Consume Knowledge
the Future of Higher Education
by Peshe C. Kuriloff For Teachers College Record
The accomplishments of Steve Jobs, a
college drop-out, raise provocative questions about what students learn in
college and what they might benefit from learning in the future. This article
argues that the goal of higher education going forward should be to produce
knowledge rather than consume it. Knowledge-making will require some
significant adjustment in how we teach our students.
This is what should be produced. Every knowledge should not end with students but after the students take they should then produce. It is a cycle. It is not only what they should learn but also what they should or could deliver from what they have learned.
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Students need to consume knowledge before they can produce knowledge. Usually they will have to learn even after they finish college. So college should teach students how to learn.
Some knowledge may be ephemeral, but let’s not forget that the human civilization has achieved progress by building on past knowledge and ideas.