Discover the Reality of a Computer Science Major
By Melissa Burns
Are you deciding whether it’s a good idea to study Computer Science in college in order to become a software developer? Are you thinking about majoring in this field? You will be surprises how different the particular area is from how it is described throughout the media. So, here’s a short guide on the reality of computer science major.
The Bruce Almighty Effect
One of the first issues that students are attracted to within the industry is that they can create something that will stay there for good. Second goes an understanding that a lot of people will be able to get access to. And finally, the feeling of being a teacher of a really stupid makes them feel god-like. The whole point is that computers are absolutely stupid. At the same time, they are exceptionally good at following the instructions. Moreover, they do everything from A to Z. If you know how to ‘communicate’ with the PC in its special language and you can make the machine do whatever you want, that’s truly precious.
You Decompose Everything. Here and Now.
Once you’re a computer science major, your skills of problem solving are getting better. No matter what is the nature of the task you receive or the issue you have to deal with, you make sure to break in down: what part of the job will take the most of your time? How can one effectively choose priorities in order to avoid wasting time? Actually, you should be ready to be the one that your parents will approach when they need the phones of TV to be fixed. And you, in turn, will deal with it as a software problem. You will define the main symptoms of the problem, understand how the whole system works and then find the right solution.
Software Development Is Nothing without Experiments.
The point is that experimentation is a key within the industry. You have to really get into the process, mess around with it. Sometimes it can lead to breaking something that worked perfectly before. However, the great thing about software development field is that in return, you will definitely master new skills. Of course, there are moments, when you feel like leaving everything and working in accordance with good old rules, but…don’t you think that it’s a lot better to try something new and then play around with it?
Doubts Here, Doubts There…
Being a major in the software development is pretty challenging and that is one of the reasons why so many people refuse to dive into it. You will most likely face with the everyday doubts regarding the accuracy of your decision. And when you see your little nephew doing the same, you will definitely be ready to give it up. But the truth is that no one likes to talk about all the difficulties for the reason that they do not want to even think about it. But that’s totally OK to cast doubts on your career choice, but remember – you will never get anywhere unless you try!
So, if you’re someone, who is pondering over the future in that or this software development company, make sure to just do it! Don’t mind everyone who tells you can’t cope with it! Haters gonna hate. But that is not going to stop you, is it? And you will 100% feel the thrill of getting something to work just because of your efforts, proficient knowledge and belief in yourself!
Author’s bio:
Melissa Burns graduated from the faculty of Journalism of Iowa State University in 2008. Nowadays she is an entrepreneur and independent journalist. Her sphere of interests includes startups, information technologies and how these ones may be implemented in the sphere of education. You may contact Melissa via e-mail: