New Reports Worth Reading On Developmental Education
From ECS:
Community College Pathways: 2011-2012 Descriptive Report (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching)
From Innovation to Transformation: Texas Moves to Reform Developmental Education (Jobs for the Future)
The Community College Research Center recently released the following reports:
Designing Meaningful Developmental Reform
Enhancing Rigor in Developmental Education
The Opposing Forces that Shape Developmental Education: Assessment, Placement, and Progression at CUNY Community Colleges
Strengthening Developmental Education Reforms: Evidence on Implementation Efforts from the Scaling Innovation Project
Basic Skills Education in Community Colleges: Inside and Outside of Classrooms
(W. Norton Grubb with Robert Gabriner)
Based on a study more than twenty community colleges, the book analyzes developmental education practices, exploring what goes wrong and what goes right, and provides a series of recommendations for improved practice. Read a previous GPG interview with Dr. Grubb.