Nontraditional Students Are The Most Prevelant
Full-time, 18 to 22-year-old students who live on campus and attend four year institutions are increasingly in the minority in the United States, with just 15% of students fitting this description. Instead, the fastest growing group of students in higher education are adults. Thirty-eight percent of those enrolled in higher education are over the age of 25 and one-fourth are over the age of 30. The share of all students who are over age 25 is projected to increase another twenty-three percent by 2019.
That’s not really a surprise – with the economy stuggling and unemployment starting to rise, many adults are using savings or money earned in previous roles to re-train and re-skill .. . with most having considerbale outgoings (house, kids, etc) they need to be able to compete for well-paid roles and good qulaifications give an edge.