Promising New Institute To Connect Policies and Practice Between K-12 and Postsecondary
The Education Trust and Achieve are launching the nonprofit U.S. Education Delivery Institute (EDI) with the support of McKinsey & Company under the leadership of Sir Michael Barber, founder and former head of Prime Minister Blair’s Delivery Unit. EDI is dedicated to building the capacity in state public education systems to implement school reform effectively. EDI will help K-12 and higher education systems connect the dots between state policies and the schools and teachers that must implement them to ensure that they have their intended benefit and dramatically improve student outcomes. EDI will focus on providing states poised to make bold changes with the tools to translate intent at the state level into results at the student level. This work is already underway in Louisiana and Tennessee. In addition, nine public higher education systems are working with EDI to support efforts to halve the college-going and college-completion gaps for their low-income and minority students by 2015.