Should You Supplement Your Degree with Online Training Programs?
In constantly changing college academic and technological environments, there are several influencing factors that have been contributed to increased success at colleges. The foremost is utilizing online resources and training programs from beyond the classroom. There are many ways these are reflected on the student and their learning style. Although offered at varying expense rates, several studies have shown that participating in online courses; in conjunction with formal class training, has increased student success rates. These then result in improved grades, which can lead to greater opportunities. This is of importance for high risk students or those with different learning abilities, however students of all ages and demographics have been benefiting from online education.
Studies have shown that there are many different learning styles, therefore utilizing alternative training methods can be instrumental in student success. One reason online education is practical, is due to scheduling. Some courses are offered on a particular day or weekend, while others are offered through learn at your own pace concepts. The duration of each provides support for students through continual learning in a geared environment. Frequently, short weekend workshops are fast paced learning with direct access to instructors.
Many major workshops that are made available during non-school hours or require several hours of training provide digital certificates upon completion. These students become more prepared to take challenging college exams that are associated with their chosen course load. Leaving them with skills that place them above their peers upon graduation.
In addition, online training programs provide up-to-date standardized testing with real time courses and programming fundamentals that may not always be obvious in the classroom. These are conducted through a term called “blended learning” or outside the teaching space education.
In one way, “blended learning” enables the student to control their environment, therefore enhancing their comprehension and matching the learning methods that suit them best. All at a time that reflects their availability, and resulting in academic success in the physical classroom. It also allows them to pick and choose which online program will guide them towards greater success.
These durations may be in an open format, allowing courses to be completed and graded at random, while others are condensed into scheduled weekends. Access to these programs are not always reflected by financial necessity, with many free options such as massive open online course MOOCS and other paid versions available for students.
Regardless of the period time that the online educational experience spans, it is the use of different platforms that are the foundation of online training programs. Supplementing an education through digital training fills the gaps where traditional academics are lacking. An online learning program such as project management training is a successful example of what can be accomplished with supplemental education.
Their supplemental education includes a flexible learning forum, and a detailed list of course materials which can be completed at the pace of the learner without the need for expensive computer systems. The instructor led classes enable the opportunity for questions to be answered promptly, while providing the resource to hear the question posed again from recorded training opportunities. These methods combined with regular attendance to college classes and the ability to repeat the exact teaching module, decreases the need for exam season ‘cramming’.
Online course supplements college education in ways that regular education does not. With the constantly changing technology, online learning can keep the pace where physical textbooks cannot. This leads to improving student success through enhanced understanding of concepts, providing knowledge based ‘real world’ challenges and the ability to transfer into a professional environment from an academic based one with ease.
Byline – Anton Lucanus is the Director of Neliti. During his college years, he maintained a perfect GPA, was published in a top cancer journal, and received many of his country’s most prestigious undergraduate scholarships. Anton writes for The College Puzzle as a means to share the lessons learnt throughout his degree and to guide current students to achieve personal and educational fulfilment during college life.