Students Talk About Why They Chose Online To Finish Degrees
Students choose online education for its flexibilty, finish degrees that would othewise be impossible for them to attain
In a new series from U.S. News and World Reports, adult students share personal annecdotes about why they chose to pursue their degrees online. While online programs can require additional commitment, many of the featured students state that this format allows them to juggle academics with work and family commitments. This flexibility often allows them to complete degrees that they had unsuccessfully pursued for years.
well, this is true. It is easy to adjust your time if you’re studying online. It is just like online jobs which is a very big hit on Asian countries now. Travelling is a hassle and it gives much time if you just have to be online to study. Because once your time is done, just get up and you’re already home, no need to travel back home, it is very convenient.
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