Tag: College Prices
What College Board College Pricing Report Will Not Tell You
Higher Ed Watch
This week the College Board released its annual sets of trends reports, one on college pricing and one on student aid. Dense, chart-filled works, the documents tell a story of what today’s post-secondary students are facing. But each report typically carries a message with it, one that often tries to dampen the sense of unabated cost escalation. Full Article
College Board Has New Report On College Prices
Trends in College Pricing 2010
This new report by The College Board provides information on college prices, changing enrollment patterns, and institutional revenues and expenditures. The report indicates that published in-state tuition and fees at public four-year institutions average $7,605 in 2010-11, $555 (7.9%) higher than in 2009-10. Average total charges, including tuition and fees along with room and board, are $16,140, up 6.1% from last year. Out-of-state tuition and fees at public four-year colleges and universities average $19,595, $1,111 (6.0%) higher than in 2009-10. Average total charges are $28,130, up 5.6%. Public two-year colleges average $2,713 in tuition and fees, $155 (6.0%) higher than in 2009-10. Private nonprofit four-year colleges and universities average $27,293 in 2010-11, $1,164 (4.5%) higher than in 2009-10. Average total charges are $36,993, up 4.3% from last year.