Tag: College problems For Young Men Of Color
College Board Synthesizes Data On Young Men Of Color
A new initiative from The College Board seeks to identify existing — and needed — research around the Educational Experience of Young Men of Color, to understand the issues behind the data, and to provide an overview of the legal landscape within which solutions must be developed. The College Board has conducted an extensive data and literature review to determine what is known to date on the situation facing young men of color, and in partnership with the Business Innovation Factory, has engaged these young men directly to understand how they view their experiences, and to add their voice to the discussion of how to better meet their needs. The particular value of the literature review is that it looks at six distinct pathways that young men of color — and all students — take after high school, and for the first time synthesizes in one place the literature for males of all four minority groups: African American, Asian American and Pacific Islanders, Hispanic/ Latinos and Native American, and Alaska Natives. The initiative’s goal is to isolate and identify the factors that contribute either to the persistence or to the attrition of young men of color from high school to higher education.
See the initiative website: http://youngmenofcolor.collegeboard.org/home
Source : PEN Newsblast