Tag: Developmental education

How To Improve Community College Developmental Education: Part 2

Guest blogger, Nancy Shulock, California State University-Sacramento

California and the nation are facing the challenge of increasing college attainment levels while serving the growing population of under-prepared students in its colleges. We can learn from what leading-edge states are doing to increase the success of under-prepared students for whom traditional remedial sequences have not proven effective.  A review of developmental education policy reforms reveals the following trends[i]:

  1. Minimizing the time students spend in remedial coursework by replacing long sequences of semester-long courses with options that include:
  • modular courses with open entry/open exit as students’ competencies dictate
  • contextualized remedial courses whereby students learn basic skills in the context of substantive content, sometimes in paired courses
  • supplemental remedial instruction where students with limited deficiencies enroll in college-level courses and receive targeted assistance with needed basic skills


  1. Achieving a balance between permissiveness and restrictiveness with respect to access to college-level courses by under-prepared students by:
  • allowing students into college-level courses concurrent with their remedial enrollments as long as the course does not require skills related to those that need remediation (the key being reading – states generally do not allow students who are not proficient in reading to take college-level courses)
  • requiring students to begin and complete remediation early by setting limits, for example, on the number of credits students may earn before completing remediation


  1. Using content review to support the overall reform goal of ensuring that students spend only the minimal time needed in remedial education by:
  • examining and aligning the content of college-level and remedial courses
  • using that content review as the basis for placing or directing students into appropriate courses


[i] Education Commission of the States, Getting Past Go: Rebuilding the Remedial Education Bridge to College Success, May, 2010, as supplemented by personal communication with lead author Bruce Vandal, July 2, 2010.