Tag: Grade 11 College Readiness Assessment

Mixed Review For California Grade 11 College Readiness Assessment

People interested in grade 11 college ready testing will benefit from the publication of a new PACE report: California’s Early Assessment Program: Its Effectiveness and the Obstacles to Successful Program Implementation.  The Early Assessment Program (EAP) has emerged as a national model for states seeking to design policies that increase the number of students who leave high school ready for college and careers.  In addition, the two national consortia designing new assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards have recognized the EAP as a model for the design of new high school assessments, which California will implement in 2014-15.  The report was written by Hilary McLean of Capitol Impact, LLC.

The report describes the key features of the EAP, with a particular focus on the ways in which the program can help to strengthen coherence and alignment in California’s fragmented educational system.  The report reviews the available research on the EAP and its impact on student access and success in post-secondary education, and identifies ways in which the program could be modified to increase its value to California students and educators.


California’s Early Assessment Program: Its Effectiveness and the Obstacles to Successful Program Implementation