Tag: Remedial Education
National Groups Call For Big Changes In College Remediation
Remedial courses meant to get underprepared students ready for college-level work are often not an on-ramp but a dead end, leaders of four national education groups said, recommending sweeping changes in how such students are brought up to speed. The report — by Complete College America, the Charles A. Dana Center, the Education Commission of the States, and Jobs for the Future — is based on studies that have concluded that remedial-education systems are broken. (Chronicle of Higher Education, 12/13/12)
Remedial Education Should Be Taught In Conjunction With Other Courses
National leadership, successful programs, and emerging research are making the case for providing developmental education as a co-requisite with college-level courses instead of as a prerequisite to these courses. This blog by Bruce Vandal Of ECS explains why the co-requisite model is gaining attention and should be considered by more institutions.
New Concepts In Remedial Education Are Promising
You can get the latest information
about what is happening in the world of remedial and developmental education
from the Education Commission of the States’ Getting Past Go Project.
The field of remedial education has experienced a renaissance since GPG began
its work in 2009, driven by strategies to increase student success and models
for large-scale change, according to Bruce Vandal. Now it is time for a bolder
and more assertive approach to reforming postsecondary remediation. Beginning
in 2012, the project will engage state leaders on how they can make the
necessary changes to remedial policies and practice to improve student success
based on a set of key principles. Read more in this blog post.
Can We Drastically Lower College Remediation?
How to Break the Cycle of Remedial College Classes
By Brad Phillips, GOOD Education
This month, more than half of community college freshmen and at least a third of university students started college already behind. They’re in at least one remedial course that does not count toward a degree, thus beginning at least four months—and sometimes years—delayed in getting the degree they enrolled to earn. This colossal disappointment is largely avoidable. Students need not toil in remedial courses that cost precious time and money
Remedial Education At The Crossroads: From Education Commission Of The States
Getting Past Go is pleased to announce the release of a new paper entitled, Remedial Education Policy at the Crossroads. The paper was prepared by Dr. Tara Parker, Dr. Leticia Tomas Bustillos and Dr. Laurie Behringer from the Center for Postsecondary Research on Preparation, Access and Remedial Education (PRePARE) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The paper contends remedial education has and will continue to play a critical role in ensuring access to higher education and increasing college completion rates among the large population of Americans who now need a college credential to fully participate in a rapidly changing, knowledge-based, global economy. The authors argue that states and institutions need to move beyond traditional approaches of regulating access to remedial education in order to cut instructional costs and maintain academic excellence. Instead, they maintain that institutions should better leverage their existing investments in remedial education by implementing cutting edge instructional strategies that increase student success at lower costs.