Tag: Selective College Admission
A New Vision For Selective College Admissions
USC Center for Enrollment Research, Policy, and Practice in partnership with the Education Conservancy Announces:
“The Case for Change in College Admissions: A Call for Individual and Collective Leadership” Each January, the center holds a conference that is an in depth exploration of a salient topic in enrollment management. This past January, we designed “The Case for Change in College Admissions” in partnership with the Education Conservancy.
The result was a compelling demonstration of the thinking that can take place when institutional affiliation is temporarily suspended and a dedicated group is permitted to think freely about the values that they attach to their work. With the generous support of the Spencer Foundation, we were able to capture that thinking in a written report. The full report is now available on our website.
Here are a few highlights:
A. As institutions act alone and compete for resources and prestige, broader societal goals, such as how well higher education is serving the educational needs of the nation, can be obfuscated. The evidence that this is the case in college admissions includes:
B. Selective colleges can cooperate to infuse greater societal benefit and educational value into the admission process. Actions for change include:
C. There is little incentive for institutions to commit to these solutions on their own. It will take collective will and leadership to move forward.
We hope that you will read the report and contact us with your thoughts for next steps and ways to better serve the educational needs of the nation and to bring greater educational value to college admissions.
Jerry Lucido, USC Center for Enrollment Research, Policy, and Practice
Lloyd Thacker, The Education Conservancy