Transportation At College: What Can Work For You
Attending college for the first time can require a lot of planning. One aspect to consider is how you will get around once you get on campus. Cost, campus size, class schedule, and safety are all important factors in this decision. Here are a few options for getting around once you get to the college of your choice.
Driving may be a logical option for you if you attend a large university or have a class schedule that is spread out among many different buildings. If you choose to take a car to school, there are several things to think about. First, you will want to make sure Freshman or first year students are permitted to drive. Some schools have rules prohibiting this for space reasons. You will also want to check on the cost to purchase a parking permit. Make sure that your permit is valid at each building you will need to park. If you are attending school out of state, you will want to make sure your insurance is valid in that state. Auto insurance quotes can give you an idea what it will cost to keep your car updated while in school.
Campus Transport
Many large campuses offer campus transportation in the form of shuttles. This is convenient for many students who do not wish to bring a vehicle to school. The major benefit of this is that it is usually much cheaper than parking and maintaining a car. The downside of this arrangement is that you will have to plan your day around the shuttle schedule to make sure you can get to where you are going on time. This may not work if you have only a few minutes between classes. It may also require you to give up precious sleep to meet your shuttle early. It is also worth talking to some current students at the university that you hope to attend. They will be able to tell you the reliability of the shuttle schedules and give you additional tips for getting around.
Walking and Bike Riding
This method of transportation is always popular for college students. First of all, it is basically free and extremely convenient. Nearly every campus has bicycle racks for storage. It may also help you keep off that freshman weight.However, this may not be an option during severe weather months. It also generally takes time to get around large campuses, so you will have to plan for this as well. The main aspect to consider with walking or riding a bike is safety. You may not want to walk or ride alone after dark or in remote areas. You may also not want to cross any extremely busy highways or interstates. When you visit the campus, look around to check what bike trails and lanes are available. Watch out for students riding or walking. Chances are, if you do not see much pedestrian traffic, there is a great chance that students have assessed that mode of transportation as being slightly unreasonable. Feel free to talk to students that you see walking or riding as well. They can be your best resource for planning.
Getting around your campus can be easy. Since there are usually multiple options, it may mean that you use more than one method. If you know that you will have to utilize campus transportation, your academic advisor can help you plan classes with enough time to get from place to place. Students that already attend the university or college can help shed light on various transportation issues on your campus. Usually residence life services can advise you on your ability to park your own car. Campus security can help you assess if walking in certain areas is safe. There is no one solution, but you will find that a little bit of planning and knowledge will make getting around easy.
Mikkie is a freelance writer from Chicago. She has a passion for advanced learning, reading, and health and fitness. She is also a mother of two who loves sharing her ideas on education, learning, health, fitness and yoga. When she’s not writing, she’s chasing the little ones around or can be found at the local climbing gym or doing yoga.