Women Continue To Outperform Men In School And College
Education Week has a new high school graduation study that shows women significantly exceed men in finishing high school. But the gender gap grows even larger for 4 year college graduation- 58% femele versus 42% men. This college grduation gap continues to grow , and for african american and latino males it is much worse. I cannot find any research that has a well designed basis for explaing the reasons for this gap. There are a lot of opinions supported by partial studies , but they are not experimental or include random sampling and statistical controls that are used in high quality medical research. There seems to be no organized research program to understand what is going on. Why is the graduation gap larger in college than high school? How can we find out more?
There is no mystery here. The US education system is geared toward women. Take for example the latest new guidelines on sexual violence. They aren’t aimed at keeping campuses safe but rather harassing men. The guidelines are based largely on an online study which was predicated on sexists double standards.
And guess who has major influence on writing American educational guidelines – the American Association of University Women.
That’s the advantage of being a women. We are more disciplined when it comes to studying we could focus well.
Women are not necessarily more disciplined by nature, but rather cultures show more protective habits towards young females than males. As such it would seem that stronger study habits and overall better performance in school could be a result of this.
Although anecdotal, I feel my high school years are a fitting representation of this idea. My parents divorced and my father was away from home a lot for work and other reasons. The times when I was most troublesome were the times when I was not supervised, left alone at home to throw parties, get drunk and stay out however long as I wanted.