ACT Finds Most Pupils Not Ready Academically For College
A new report from ACT using its College Readiness Benchmarks and ACT test scores provides a series of graphical pictures highlighting the college-and-career readiness of the ACT-tested high school class of 2011. The report found that just 25 percent of 2011 high school graduates were college-ready in all four ACT subject tests (English, reading, math, and science), a single percentage point increase from 2010 and a 4 percentage point increase from 2006. Breaking the total down, just 4 percent of black students and 11 percent of Hispanic students reached all four ACT college readiness benchmarks, compared to 31 percent of white students. The percent of students who scored at or above the ACT College Readiness Benchmarks increased from 43 percent to 45 percent in math and from 28 percent to 29 percent in science between 2010 and 2011. There was no change in the percentage of students who were college-ready in English (66 percent) and reading (52 percent). Minnesota was the only state where at least 50 percent of students met at least three of the four College Readiness Benchmarks. In eleven states, between 40 and 49 percent of students met three out of four benchmarks. Nationally, 40 percent of 2011 graduates met three out of four benchmarks. Source : PEN Newsblast
See the report:
The “blame finger” can point in many directions as to why some students aren’t ready for college. The generic “one size fits all” solutions won’t work for everybody.