Future Of Postsecondary Is Mobile And In Clouds

Speakers at the recent EduCause conference, an event dedicated to “the intelligent use of information technology” in education, put a spotlight on mobile, social, and cloud-based learning technologies. These offerings address the desire for “convenience, affordability, 24/7 access, and flexibility” that is driving the 21% growth in online post-secondary enrollment.

2 comments on “Future Of Postsecondary Is Mobile And In Clouds”

  1. I think your post was actually a sweet kick off to a potential series of articles about this topic. A lot of people pretend to know what they’re writing about when it comes to this stuff and really, nearly no one actually gets it.

  2. Even though the advance in information technology has helped us achieved a lot, there are still a lot of fundamental issues that we need to address. For example, the following is just one of the many questions that still remains unresolved!

    How do we better engage young people in learning and demonstrate its relevance to—real life—and their aspirations with the use of information technology?

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