Keys To Successful School/College Dual Enrollment

To assist legislators, chiefs, higher education officials and others learn from the experience of other states, Education Commission of the States has once again updated its comprehensive 50-state comparison on dual/concurrent enrollment policies.

This resource, the only one of its kind, provides a national look at the number of states that have each of 20 policies in place regarding dual enrollment basics, as well as the four key dual enrollment policy areas of access, finance, ensuring course quality and transferability.

Some key takeaways from this resource:

  • Without a requirement that eligible students may participate, schools and districts may not be inclined to promote dual/concurrent enrollment for students.
  • Some express concern that dual enrollment courses taught by high school teachers may not meet the same level of rigor as courses taught by postsecondary faculty on postsecondary campuses.
  • How funding flows can either incentivize schools to participate or deter participation. If courses meet rigorous criteria yet students are denied transfer credit at another postsecondary institution, the value of dual enrollment as an option for students to save money and time to degree is negated.

For questions, contact 

Education Commission of the States Director of Communications Amy Skinner at or 303.299.3609.