Notifying Secondary Schools About Student College Performance Has Not Worked In The Past

  This news clip interested me becasue the new policy in New York did not have any effect in California.

The New York City Department of Education, for the first time, has sent detailed reports to all of its high schools, telling them just how many of their students who arrived at the city’s public colleges needed remedial courses, as well as how many stayed enrolled after their first semester. The reports go beyond the basic measure of a school’s success – the percentage of students who earn a diploma – to let educators know whether they have been preparing those students for college or simply churning them out. See ECS’ summary of state remedial education reports

  The University of California and Cal State system sent these reports for years to high school and hardly anybody paid attention to them, So Ca. colleges stopped doing this. There is no accountability bewteen education levels or any follow up to problems that arise. Perhaps this policy will be more effective in NYC , but I doubt it. Principals at secondary schools do not seem interested in this articulation issue.

3 comments on “Notifying Secondary Schools About Student College Performance Has Not Worked In The Past”

  1. Colleges must CHARGE the K-12 district from which the kids were “graduated” in order for it to make a difference…state schools could easily settle the “tab” at the state level…please start it!! Thanks!

  2. Second thought — the information needs to be made public so the ill-performing schools failing the students are ratted out in the news…parents or adults that care to know and teachers/administrators need to be embarassed beyond belief.

  3. The only choice for high schools would be to graduate only those students who have learned the material. You’d have a lot more students taking a longer time to get their HS diploma. It makes sense, and it would raise the value of a HS diploma, but it would be politically unpopular. Much easier to blame the teachers, who apparently have the magical secret to turning dull , lazy kids into highly motivated college-bound geniuses, and have just been holding out on us this whole time because, you know, unions.

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