Best College Essay Writing Resources

By Robert Morris

If you want for your professors to improve their opinions of you, then you have to convince them that you have eloquent stands and know how to present them through academic writing. The following tools and resources will help you improve your essay writing skills and start delivering better content regardless of the paper’s topic.

Resources for planning your essays

Although most students would like to skip this step, the truth is that outlining their ideas and planning the structure of the essay will help them produce a better piece.

1. Common Writing Assignments

At this website, you can learn about the most common types of academic assignments you’ll need to complete throughout the years of study. In order to plan a certain paper, you need to know what its requirements are. This website is the first destination towards completing extraordinary academic content.

2. Writing Assignments

This guide provided at the website of Hobart and William Smith Colleges will help you plan your assignments and stick with the outline in order to develop a focused discussion.

3. Write My Essay

It doesn’t matter how much you enjoy or hate the task of writing academic papers; it is equally important for each student who wants to have a high GPA. Make sure to devote time and effort into improving skills of academic expression with this essay writing tips from NinjaEssays.

Resources for collecting information

In order to come across as a well-informed person who knows what they are talking about, then you have to base the discussion on facts rather than assumptions. These resources will help you achieve that:

1. Information Gathering Tools

Although this is a pedestrian-looking website, it can provide enormous assistance during the process of research. You can use the featured guides in order to learn how to find and use information from knowledgeable people, Internet searches, case studies, interviews, experts, surveys, and statistics.

2.Journalism Resources

This online destination is a great resource of websites that will enable you to conduct an effective research and find the information you need. You can read tutorials and search strategies that will make the initial phase of research faster and more effective.

Tools for essay writing

Now that you’ve been through the initial stages of the essay writing process, it’s time to focus on the actual writing. There are several online resources that can help you improve your skills and start submitting great papers that will impress your professors.

1. Essay Writing Checklist

This online checklist will help you make sure that you’re on the right path towards getting an A on your paper. Before you submit a paper, check whether or not it satisfies all criteria needed for the highest grade.

2. Good Writing

Although this guide to good writing was written in 1985, it still holds valuable advice that will help you produce an essay your professors will appreciate. It might take you more time to read it, but investing 15 minutes in the advancement of your essay writing skills will totally pay off.

3. Essay Eagles

The tools we listed above will give you abstract advice on essay writing, so it will take some effort and practice in order to implement the knowledge into practice. Essay Eagles is an essay writing help site that immediately leads to practical results. When you hire the assistance of an expert in the topic’s field, you can be sure that you’ll get the highest grade on your paper.

Resources for essay editing

Your professors constantly repeat this, so it’s about time you finally realized it: you cannot submit a rough draft as the final version of your essay. You need to refine the text in order to make it as perfect as possible.

1. Editing Tips

This guide is not that appealing to read, but will provide you with tips and tricks that will help you edit your essays in the most effective manner.

2. Online Grammar Handbook

This information provided by the University of Minnesota will help you get a grip on the editing process and make it simpler by following the needed rules. 

Robert Morris has worked in education for over 7 years as a teacher, school newspaper adviser, literacy consultant, and curriculum writer. He provides teaching and learning materials

Half Of STEM Majors Leave The Field

About half of bachelor’s degree candidates in science, technology, engineering and math leave the field before completing a college degree, according to a report from the U.S. Education Department’s National Center for Education Statistics. That might seem high, but it roughly tracks the rate at which students in other majors — like humanities, education and health sciences — switched majors or dropped out of college, too, the study found. The article is in Inside Higher Ed.

Higher Education Creates Organization To Support Common Core

Common Core / Postsecondary
Common Core gets support from higher education
More than 200 higher-education leaders have created a new organization to voice their support for Common Core, the controversial state-based educational-standards system. (The Christian Science Monitor, June 10)

Improving Instruction: The Key To Success IN Remedial Courses

There is very little attention in research and policy to improving community college classroom instruction a a prime policy to improve student success in remedial courses. Below is a well written article with some good examples.

Harsh Critique Of Research University Priorities

AMERICA’S ‘OLD BOYS CLUB’ OF HIGHER ED ENCOURAGES COLLEGES TO ADOPT POLICIES OF EXCLUSION, writes New America’s Kevin Carey in a new report. Pick a public university–any will do–and ask its president, deans, and trustees about their strongest aspirations. The answer: more research programs and graduate students, more selective admissions criteria, and all the federal research funding it can find. But these priorities are also notable for what they omit: a legitimate interest in student learning. Read more at EdCentral.


How Bill Gates Pulled Off A Common Core Revolution

by Lyndsey Layton

The pair of education advocates had a big idea, a new approach to transform every public-school classroom in America. By early 2008, many of the nation’s top politicians and education leaders had lined up in support.

But that wasn’t enough. The duo needed money — tens of millions of dollars, at least — and they needed a champion who could overcome the politics that had thwarted every previous attempt to institute national standards.

So they turned to the richest man in the world.

Washington Post


High School Counselors Lack Time For College Advice

Between crisis management and clerical duties, school counselors — once the conduit to college — have little time to help students navigate a complex maze of higher-education requirements. The fix? Look beyond the schoolhouse. The article is in the Seattle Times.

The Case For Change in College Admissions

The USC Center for Enrollment Research, Policy, and Practice generates original publications germane to issues of enrollment management and admissions in higher education.

College Access/Admissions/Recruitment The case for change in college admissions: A call for individual and collective leadership

A report informed and inspired by the CERPP Los Angeles conference Jan 26-28, 2011 – September 2011
Author(s): Wegner, G., Thacker, L., Lucido, J., & Schulz, S. (2011)

Publisher: USC Center for Enrollment Research, Policy, and Practice Who goes early?: A multi-level analysis of enrollment via early action and early decision admissionsPublication from summary paper prepared as part of CERPP research grant program

Author(s): Park, J. J., & Eagan, M. K. (2011)
Publisher: Teachers College Record, 113(11)

Who goes early?: A multi-level analysis of enrollment via early action and early decision admissions

Summary paper prepared as part of CERPP research grant program
Author(s): Park, J. J., & Eagan, M. K. (2009)
Publisher: USC Center for Enrollment Research, Policy, and Practice

Change The Rhetoric And Dialogue To Improve Higher Education


by Watson Scott Swail, President & CEO, Educational Policy Institute

In my 30-plus years in education, I’ve seen a lot of changes. Unfortunately, they aren’t changes that have really improved much. Sure, since I graduated with my education degree back in the 1980s (that long ago?), I’ve seen the advent of the PC, the World Wide Web (as it was once known), smart boards and smart phones. These are incredible leaps of technology that have allowed third-world countries to leapfrog analogue technologies of copper wire. These technologies have altered how we retrieve and preserve information and knowledge. What we used to spend in days upon days finding and reading in our academic libraries via paper journals and microfiche we can now bring up on our iPhone in seconds—literally.


But a lot of things haven’t changed. Our discussions of education haven’t changed. The argument of the haves and the have-nots has not changed. Our ability to reduce barriers to access and success are remarkably similar. Just last month I posted a 15-year old video of me speaking at a Washington, DC-meeting, where I said about exactly what I would say today. The tenor hasn’t changed. The actions haven’t changed. And perhaps what’s worse is that our expectations haven’t changed—we really don’t expect things to change. We live for the status quo.

I’ve always been interested in the issues of incremental and rational policymaking. That’s not exactly everyone’s go-to issue in the wonk world, and especially in the non-wonk world. But I remember vividly reading Michael Hayes’ Incrementalism and Public Policy while I was working on my doctorate at The George Washington University in the early 1990s. It struck me how little we can do through our decentralized, or as Dwight Cropp of GW would say, our devoluted government system. The sheer weight and those “brilliant” checks and balances of the US political system only allow for slight, minor changes in policy and practice. Only in significant situations, like 911, do we achieve almost universal tolerance and appetite for large-scale change. In that case, Congress voted to take away some of the primary civil liberties of our history via the Patriot Act. We saw much of the extent of this through the NSA in the last few years, over a decade after 911. Not much of a check and balance system, after all, is it?

Except for those extreme situations, we do so very little at the federal, state, and local levels that it should be disconcerting to all Americans. The impact of this is that it allows for other incremental activities to occur, such as the creation and extrapolation of charter schools to save our poor, public education system. I’m not a big fan of charter schools, to be fair. And this isn’t a stereotypical (ok, it kind of is) Republican issue, since Clinton and Obama have equally supported the further evolution of charters. But these and other ideas get developed because we have failed to alter how we talk about change. Educators and policymakers have been hindered by their lack of critique of important social and educational issues. Take away some of the top thinkers on these issues, such as Linda Darling-Hammond and more recently Diane Ravitch, and you don’t have much critiquing from the field. This is one of the reasons I find Senator Elizabeth Warren fascinating, whether you side or not with her, she brings intellectual capacity to a discussion, and not just sound bites and politics. It’s fact based.

People who know me know one important thing: I say what I think and I typically don’t hold back. While I wouldn’t have it any other way, I’m positive it has cost me in my career. I am not sure most people really want to hear the truth. We can see they really don’t want to hear an alternative avenue of thinking. Whether you watch MSNBC or Fox News, the people who watch those shows are the representative choir and they watch because someone on the other side is going to get slammed by either Sean Hannity or Chris Matthews (there’s a cage match for you!).

Historically, I’ve always been a large advocate of open admissions, open access higher education and expanding opportunity for all students, especially first generation and low-income students. That has not changed over the years. However, I have increasingly come out suggesting we have to do things much differently than before and we can’t just “blank check” access to our nation’s postsecondary institutions. The work is truly in the K12 realm to create access, and we can’t fix 13 years of education through a three-week bridge program between high school and college. We also can’t fix it through a freshman seminar or first-year initiative. We can’t fix it though side-bar tutoring and mentoring. These are good things to do for students who are “on the cusp,” but they can’t fix systemic issues that have taken over a year to manifest in an individual who just will not grasp higher education. Similarly, we can’t afford to hand out Pell and other need-based grants to students who simply are not prepared for the work expected of students in higher education. The fact that we have clearly watered down higher education is a clear indicator of how we are dealing with a lower-academic class. To be even more clear, through our open access institutions, we simply let in students that we should never let in to higher education. Period. And if we focused on a broader set of avenues for students from eighth grade on, this would not be seen as a death knell of access, but rather, the opening of true access to our economy and society that doesn’t measure people by the parchment they hold but through their skill and intellect (or their multiple intellects).

But to say these types of things publically is a political gamble because it alienates colleagues who are status quo in their thinking. Access is access so don’t buck the system! Well, the system needs to be bucked and just asking for more of the same is incredibly imprudent for the nation and the individual. It’s funny, because Canadians call me a conservative and American’s call me a liberal. Really? I’m neither, other than perhaps a social, fiscal conservative. This isn’t really about big or small government: it’s about prudently using public funds to propel the nation forward, economically, socially, and intellectually. Are their political agendas tied with these principles? Surely. But not to the degree that people would have you believe. It doesn’t have to be us versus them. We just have come to believe it has to be that way because of the poor underpinnings of our political system.

I just reread a fabulous 2008 article by William Deresiewicz called The Disadvantages of an Elite Education Please take the time to read this very well crafted critique of our nation’s Ivy League institutions and how we view education as a whole. He uses terms like “Ivy Retardation” to describe the inability to talk to someone from a blue collar background; and “entitled mediocrity” to describe what elite students become accustomed to. The article is fabulous on several levels, but primarily because it is one of its own pointing fingers back at the institution that helped mold his thinking.

We need more people daring to be critical of what is and point to where we should go. Too many of us critics are really good at pointing out what is wrong without a dialogue about where we should be and how we can get there. I am as guilty as many. But even more so-called intellectuals refuse to critique what “is” because they are scared we will lose what we worked for the better part of a century to achieve. Here’s a message: mediocrity and status quo will force us to lose anything and everything we have gained through the Civil Rights Act, the Higher Education Act (HEA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and on; but it happens incrementally in a way that most don’t really notice, such as in the evolution of charter schools, the loss of teacher’s rights (and excellence), and the loss of control of schools by communities. There are two sides to every story and every argument, but we are letting politicians control where we go because the rest of us are not changing our rhetoric. The teachers unions need to be at the forefront of pushing educational reform, advancing technological innovation, and changing how we prepare teachers for the classroom. They need to be less protective of what is and push towards what should be. We need to find middle ground between the two tails of the political spectrum and push real change in our system. I’m tired of hearing that our public system doesn’t work. Don’t tell me that when I can show you public schools that kick the tar out of South Korea on PISA measures, or when we compare the US to Canada, which is mostly public. Public schools work. They just don’t universally work for a lot of real reasons; some of them financial; others about our inability to make education a priority. And just because a governor says it’s a priority, the truth is in the policies, not their rhetoric.

I would like to see us scale up a better dialogue about where we need to go. It is one of the reasons we held our first Forum on Education and the Economy last year in Florida. It is time for a different discussion. And it is why we are holding our second Forum during EPI’s Education Week this fall in San Antonio.

Let’s throw out status quo and start a better, inclusive conversation about our kids and our society. It starts with how we talk.



New Book On Improving College Governance And Trustee Effectiveness

Governance Reconsidered: How Boards, Presidents, Administrators, and Faculty Can Help Their Colleges Thrive

By Susan R. Pierce

 Former college president Susan Resneck Pierce draws on years of experience consulting with colleges and universities and shares her inside view of the growing tensions around the traditional shared governance model. Using recent controversies as examples, the book goes beyond conflict to offer practical guidance to campus leaders in various roles so they can work together to help their institutions thrive.

 This book explores the topic of governance both as it is being practiced in the current educational and economic environment and how it might more effectively function. It identifies key challenges facing trustees, presidents, senior administrators and faculty and specifies their responsibilities. The book is grounded in the notion that both the external and internal pressures facing colleges and universities today demand that boards do more than just come for lunch and bask in the prestige that being a trustee brings to them. Rather, they must add genuine value to the institution and must be the president’s strategic partner. In this book, Pierce addresses the following questions:

•    Who should be responsible for the nature and pace of change on campuses?

•    How can colleges and universities simultaneously be able to make pressing decisions in a timely fashion while giving appropriate deference to the faculty in academic matters?

•    Given the critical role of the president, how should boards select and evaluate presidents, and what role should other members of the campus community, particularly the faculty, play in these activities?


# # About the author:

Susan Resneck Pierce is president emerita of the University of Puget Sound. As president of SRP consulting, she advises colleges and universities on planning, effective board and presidential performance, board development, governance, and fundraising.