Report Blasts California College Basic Skills Programs

Basic skills programs in California serve about 1.5 million students and until recently cost taxpayers more than $1 billion annually – but a new study  criticizes the network for a lack of clear priorities and academic goals.

Students enrolled in basic skills programs rarely make significant progress and few enter postsecondary education, and of those who do, only a small number succeed in achieving a credential or degree, or transferring to a four-year college or university, according to the study from the California Budget Project.

Basic skills education has three core content areas: reading and writing, mathematics as well as English as a second language. The programs are of increasing focus because of the state’s growing numbers of high school dropouts and low-skilled working adults who lack the fundamental skills for postsecondary education as well as many workforce needs.

The California Budget Project, which evaluates the impact of state spending on low- and middle-income families, issued the four-part series on basic skills titled At a Crossroads study – of which, the final report was released

One comment on “Report Blasts California College Basic Skills Programs”

  1. MARCH 25, 2012


    Thank you for that brief report.

    What is lacking in most basic skills/Learning skills programs is a basic to advanced accelerated learning practices, methods and strategies.

    Many of today’s programs, and some are fairly good ones, need an immediate injection of advance learning programs that show results almost immediately. Their proof is in the testing, and that can be done right on the spot with major successful results. Facts cannot be hid after that action. Students perform well from the start. A program, like mine, that is worth its salt, will guarantee you some results immediately.

    Let’s talk about how I may be of help in boosting grades and people of most ages with a very high level of accelerated learning performance. A true test comes when you try out the program with willing “at risk” students and those with special education needs. I would be happy to send you my resume.


    Alfred Porter
    International Educator and Consultant
    310 926-3206

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