Student Engagement In College Is Important

Fostering Student
Engagement Campuswide: Annual Results 2011

A 21st century vision of undergraduate education demands an integrated,
comprehensive approach to learning that is responsive to the whole student.
Educators must actively collaborate about the experience of their students,
talk about what students know and can do, and design new approaches to engaging
students at high levels. Student engagement results provide educators across a
variety of campus programs and departments information to consider in their
efforts to understand the student experience and to collaborate in the design
of educationally productive activities and programs. Institutions that have
effectively used student engagement results suggest that an important step to
bringing people together is to first help them see the relevancy of results for
their unit.

One comment on “Student Engagement In College Is Important”

  1. Definitely! Student engagement would be more effective. And would make it more interesting for the student. To talk about what they want, their interests, to develop more their skills and to used or to know what skills is useful on the field they chose. Applications, more interactions.

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