Tag: College Remediation

Drastic Remediation Overhaul In Florida

Florida Gov. Rick Scott recently signed S.B 1720 to overhaul college remediation and allow a large segment of students to immediately enroll in college-level courses, regardless of their academic abilities. The goal is to allow more students to start earning college credits while also offering them support services. Some researchers praise the legislation, but college administrators fear that students are being set up to fail. Check out ECS’ new brief on remedial reform models. (Orlando Sentinel, 06/03/13)

Colorado Graduates More Students But They Also Need More College Remediation

More State High Schoolers Graduating, but Many Still Take Remedial Classes in College
Colorado high schools graduated more students on time in 2010 than the year before, according to state data that uses a new formula established by the U.S. Education Department. But a separate state report  shows that many graduates still are not prepared for college-level courses, and their remediation cost colleges $19 million in 2009-10, up from $13 million the year before.

College Remediation Success Depends Partly On Where Students Enter Course Sequence

The outcomes of community college students largely depend on where they enter remedial course sequences, according to a study of California’s two-year institutions. Remedial students were more apt to earn a credential or transfer to a four-year institution if they did the following: enrolled full time, began the remedial sequence during their first year, passed the initial remedial course on the first attempt, enrolled in a remedial sequence continuously, and had fewer course levels to get through between their starting point and the college level. See ECS’ Getting Past Go project on remediation