Posts published in October, 2017

Stay Safe While Driving: 7 Tips for College Students


Not all college students can have a car while attending school—especially freshmen. But, if you are one of the lucky ones with an auto, you’ll need to follow these driving tips to stay safe on and around campus.


  1. Get Familiar with the Area – Before you start driving around your new college town, it is a good idea to get to know the area. Take a walk around, and look at the traffic patterns. Find out where crosswalks are located, and where pedestrians tend to congregate. Don’t forget to check out parking lots to see if there are fees, special permits needed, etc.
  2. Watch for Pedestrians – There are a lot of people walking around a college campus, which means that you need to be more diligent about watching for pedestrians. Remember, they always have the right of way. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for cyclists as well, as many college students use their bicycles as their main mode of transportation.
  3. Watch Out for New Drivers – According to recent studies and transportation experts like Montway a lot of teens and young adults are waiting longer to get their driver’s licenses. That means that you are going to be faced with a lot of new and inexperienced drivers. Statistics show that there are more accidents involving teens in September than any other month, especially in the mornings and afternoons.
  4. Expect More Traffic – College towns are a lot busier than many other areas, and you can expect to see a lot of diverse traffic, from motorcycles to trucks. You need to be prepared for this, and learn how to drive offensively as well as defensively. Be careful at intersections and stop signs , especially as you drive through a school zone in the mornings and afternoons when there is a lot more traffic.
  5. Have Your Car Inspected – You need to make sure that the car you are driving is going to be safe. Make sure that you have it inspected prior to leaving for college and, if there are any safety issues, have them taken care of before you leave. Things that need to be checked include tires, brakes, fluids, headlights, turn signals, steering, and mirrors, to name a few.
  6. Turn Off Your Cell Phone – One of the leading causes of automobile accidents is not paying attention, and often it is because people are talking on their cell phones or texting while driving. If you absolutely must text or call someone, pull off to the side of the road or into a parking lot before you do it. It only takes a second for an accident to happen, and you can’t let your attention waiver from your driving, or let your eyes wander.
  7. NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE – This is the most important driving safety tip of all. Never get behind the wheel if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This is just a recipe for disaster. Arrange for alternate transportation or take a ride-share service like Uber if you are going to be drinking. Make sure that your friends have transportation as well. The last thing you want is to end up in an accident that could have easily been prevented.


Jane Hurst has been working in education for over 5 years as a teacher. She loves sharing her knowledge with students, is fascinated about edtech and loves reading, a lot. Follow Jane on Twitter.


On 27 September 2017 at 16:03, Jane Hurst <> wrote:

Is it feasible to run a business in addition to your studies?

By Anton Lucanus

We all know that university is an expensive endeavor, and today’s students are a tech-savvy and entrepreneurially minded bunch. But how feasible is it to run business on the side of your studies?

Traditionally people looking at making cash off of a side-hustle had a full-time salary gig to finance their endeavor, and there are their fair share of glamorous success stories. Like, Shark Tank star and fashion mogul, Daymond John, who built up his clothing empire FUBU, while working full time at Red Lobster for four years, or business coach Luisa Zhou, whose side-hustle not only ended up earning her over six figures, but also completely shifted the trajectory of her career.

Now days, thanks to the internet, smartphones and social media you don’t need to have the backing of a 9-5 to launch your own side-hustle or business venture. Technology makes it easier than ever to start a business with limited funds.

Many students have found that simply expanding upon a hobby or interest, offering their services as photographers, graphic designers, or fitness bloggers, can provide them with a sizable cashflow, without adversely affecting their studies.

Your smartphone, a video editing app and simple hosting plans for platforms like WordPress or Wix can provide you with a professional and engaging online presence to draw in interested parties, without breaking the budget. While services like Survey Monkey and Mailchimp can provide you with the tools you need to connect with your audiences and manage your budding client relationships.

Even if your idea is a product or service which requires more complicated undertakings like creating prototypes or building and testing software, you don’t have to go full Bill Gates and quit college. While it’s unlikely you’ll land massive funding from a venture capital, crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo provide multiple opportunities for students to raise the money they need to take their projects from ideas to reality.

Being at University also provides unique opportunities and access resources that you would otherwise have to pay big money for. Many universities now even have their own entrepreneurial incubators to help fledgling businesses and start-ups with problems like finding funding, meeting spaces or invitations to networking events.

Of course, launching a side business isn’t a walk in the park, even with the additional time being at university or college might offer. It still requires sacrifices, and sometimes you’ll need to choose between a night out on the town, and spending time developing your ideas, researching your target market, and planning your strategy.

Perhaps the biggest reason why it really is feasible to run a business on the side of your studies, is that 8 out of 10 businesses fail. The risk of your idea failing is considerably lessened by the fact that it is not your sole avenue to gainful employment. You’ve still been earning a degree in a field and showing potential employers that you’re an entrepreneurial spirit, and a proactive individual, which may be the edge you need to help you stand out against others who chose the traditional university life.

Byline – Anton Lucanus is the Director of Neliti. During his college years, he maintained a perfect GPA, was published in a top cancer journal, and received many of his country’s most prestigious undergraduate scholarships. Anton writes for The College Puzzle as a means to share the lessons learnt throughout his degree and to guide current students to achieve personal and educational fulfilment during college life.


7 Tips for the Single Parent College Student


Being a single parent isn’t the end of the world, and it certainly doesn’t mean that you can’t get your degree and have the career you’ve always wanted. You just have to work a bit harder, and do things differently than you would if you didn’t have kids. Many single parents are going back to school, not only because they want to better themselves and the lives of their children, but also because they want to set a good example for their children. If your family planning includes going back to college to make a better life for your family, here are some tips that will help make things a lot easier.

  • Find Your Support Network: No man is an island, and no man stands alone. Everyone needs help once in a while, especially single parents trying to get an education. You need to set up your support system, which will include those who have always been your biggest cheerleaders. You need people in your life who are going to encourage you to go the distance, and help you get there.
  • Secure Child Care: One of the biggest problems for single parents attending college is finding affordable child care. If you are lucky, you have a friend or family member who is willing to take on this job for little to no money. Otherwise, it is a good idea to start looking into on-campus child care, local daycare centers, etc. to find the best child care at the most reasonable price.
  • Manage Your Time Wisely: You are going to have a lot on your plate, and if you don’t manage your time wisely, you are going to end up not being able to get everything done. Now is the time to set a schedule that includes everything you normally do with your children, classes, and study time. Get a good day planner, and block off time for classes and study. Then, you and your children will know when you have time for other things, including school plays, sports, story time at night, etc.
  • Don’t Push Yourself: “If you are trying to juggle taking care of your children, classes, and a job, things are going to get pretty hectic, and you could end up burning yourself, and then you won’t be any good to anyone, including yourself,” says Dr. Pedram Bral at Manhattan Women’s Health & Wellness. It may be that you can’t take on as heavy of a course load as you would like. You may have to take fewer credits, which means that it will take longer to get your degree, but you will actually be able to put more time into your studies and do your best.
  • Don’t Feel Guilty: Many parents feel guilty about attending college classes and studying when they could be spending that time with their children. They don’t realize just how much they are doing for their children, and that they should not feel guilty. When you return to school, not only are you getting a better career to earn more money for your family, you are a shining example for your children, and you will see the pride on their faces when you receive that diploma.
  • Make Homework a Family Affair: You and your children are going to have homework now, so why not do it together? Not only is this a great way to bond, you also get to make sure that your children are getting their homework done, and that you are there to help them with any problems they may have. Also, when they see you studying hard, it is going to encourage them to do the same.
  • Look at Alternate Learning Options: These days, it isn’t always necessary to physically be in a classroom. Most colleges and universities offer their programs online, so you can take the classes at home, and work around your own schedule instead of having to be in the classroom at a specific time. This gives you more flexibility, and the freedom to be at home more with your children.

Pamela Currier helps recent grads land the jobs of their dreams, she is a career coach and educator.



On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 10:22 PM, Pamela Currier <

Survival Guide for the Introverted College Student



For many people, college is as much about the experience and socializing as it is about getting an education. This is not the case for introverts. In fact, as much as they desire a good education, college life can be incredibly stressful for introverted people. Introverts are generally shy people, and don’t always do well in an atmosphere where they are expected to join in and take part, such as college. But, this doesn’t mean that introverts can’t have amazing college experiences. They just have to find ways to make it work for them.

  1. Do what You Love – First of all, it is time to dive right into whatever you are truly passionate about. College is a great time to discover your talents and what you really love doing, and expand on them. You can do this on your own, and you don’t necessarily have to take part in groups in order to do what you love.
  2. Find an Extroverted Friend – Often, introverts and extroverts make the best of friends, because they tend to balance out one another. An extrovert can help to push you out of your comfort zone and help you start enjoying life more, and you can help the extrovert learn how to be more comfortable being alone with themselves.
  3. Participate Quietly – Unfortunately, classroom participation is often necessary to pass courses, and this can be difficult for the introvert. Start getting into the habit of sitting at the front of the class. Ask one question or make one comment per class. You don’t have to be loud, because you are at the front and you will be heard by the professor. You will have your classroom participation marks without having to feel like you are making a spectacle of yourself.
  4. Smile – Even if you aren’t in the best of moods, smile as much as you can. “You can’t help but be in a better mood when you are smiling, and that is going to rub off on others. It may even help you to start becoming more outgoing, because when you smile at people, some are inevitably going to want to talk to you, and you will start getting more and more used to taking part in conversations with others,” says Dr. Ella Dekhtyar from Broadway Family Dental.
  5. Find Your Voice – Just because you are shy, it doesn’t mean that you can’t make yourself be heard. You just have to find your voice. It may be that you are able to express yourself better in the form of a blog or social media. Find ways to express your ideas. The more good feedback you get, the more you will want to express yourself. In time, it may even help you to come out of your shell a bit and get more involved with others.
  6. Join a Small Group – “If there is a club or a group on campus that interests you, and it isn’t a large organization with a lot of people, sign up for it. You can still be an introvert, but now you are also going to be interacting with others occasionally, which is what you need to make you feel more rounded and happy,” says Dr. Mila Cohen from When meetings or get-togethers are over, you can go right back to being your introverted self.
  7. Find Your Circle of Friends – No matter how introverted one is, they still need a close circle of friends. Now is the time for you to figure out who you want to be in your circle. You don’t have to go out and make a ton of new friends. Start out by hanging out with one or two people who you really like, and go from there.


Lorraine McKinney is an academic tutor and elearning specialist.

5 Ideas on How to Get International Experience Without Studying Abroad


There are many ways to get international experience even if you can’t afford to study abroad. Doing this is essential if you want to boost your chances of getting a good job. According to some studies, over 80% of employers are actively seeking graduates with international experience in their CV. Luckily, you have plenty of internships and volunteering programs to choose from if going to a university abroad is impossible for you.

How to Get International Experience on Your Resume: 5 Ideas

  1. Get an Unpaid Internship

A variety of colleges, universities, and businesses offer unpaid internships for students of different ages. In the US you can check out the US Department of State Student Internship Program and UCPF Internship Program. If you are interested in other countries, you can simply Google internships offered there. In case you are interested in a particular business, try contacting the company directly to find out if they have programs like this.

An unpaid internship might be easier to get as its requirements are usually lower than paid options. However, it requires a substantial investment. These projects are worth it if you get a tangible benefit from them. This includes college credit or a valuable addition to your CV considering your profession.

  1. Get a Paid Internship

It’s usually harder to get international experience with a paid internship as many people are applying for it. However, the experience is truly invaluable as these programs are offered by reputed businesses, like Deloitte, L’Oreal, etc. There are also major programs that specialize in internships for various fields, like IAESTE Paid Technical Internships.

A paid internship is an excellent way to get actual work experience as well as some money for it. The point of such internship is to improve your professional skills and make an impressive addition to your resume. Therefore, in some cases, you might consider choosing an unpaid program over a paid one. Make your choices depending on the long-term impact of your internship.

  1. Get Short-Term Work Abroad

There are dozens of programs that offer short-term work worldwide, like AuPair. However, you can also find this type of work by directly contracting businesses in your destination country. The primary factor to consider when applying for a short-term job is a visa. Most countries offer 3-month working visas that you can get with the help of the necessary paperwork provided by the employer.

Short-term jobs might be unavailable for some professions, like doctors, engineers, etc. Choose this option if your main goal is to make some money or if there is a business opportunity that will benefit your future.

  1. Teach English Abroad

Teaching English is one of the best ways to get international experience if you want to feel truly accomplished by the end of it. Programs like Hanacore can help you find teaching jobs in your chosen corner of the world and arrange traveling papers.

The main benefit of teaching English abroad is not the fact that it’s an actual job, but the feeling of fulfillment that comes from it. To be able to help others change their lives by expanding their knowledge is a reward in itself.

  1. Volunteer Abroad

Volunteering with the Red Cross or any other humanitarian organization is a fantastic experience for those who seek to rediscover themselves. Volunteering programs vary widely from building houses in African deserts to tending elephants in Asian jungles.

Seek those offers with international volunteering organizations, like Global Vision International or International Volunteer HQ.

Get International Experience and Change Your Future

There are many studies on the benefits of international experience, and although statistics vary, all of them show that it’s extremely valuable. Working and living abroad teaches a person a degree of independence, tenacity, and creativity that life at home can’t. Using one of the many volunteering and internship opportunities to get your international experience is sure to change you in many ways and boost your chances of employment.

Sylvia Kohl is an IT teacher with more than 8 years of professional experience. Her main spheres of interest are e-education and she convinced that learning process doesn’t stop after years in school and university.



Have a Student Loan? 7 Great Careers Offer Loan Forgiveness


Going to college may give you the life experience and qualifications you need to succeed once you’ve graduated. However, it’s also likely to give you a hefty student loan that you’ll be paying off for a large chunk of your working life.

Students can find themselves in hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of debt. At the end of 2016, cumulative student loan debt was 170% higher than in the previous decade. Paying off your student loan can really put a dent in your pay packet and even make it difficult to secure other loans, such as a mortgage. So anything you can do to reduce that burden must be a good thing, right?

There are a number of careers that offer loan forgiveness, a reduction in your outstanding loan which could save you thousands in interest alone. If you have the right qualifications, these seven careers are a great way to go:

  1. Lawyer

There are a number of loan forgiveness options open to practicing lawyers. If you choose to work in a non-profit or public service legal position, you could be eligible for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF). Once you’ve worked in a position for 120 months’ worth of repayments, you loan can be forgiven. The Department of Justice, individual states and some law schools also operate their own loan forgiveness programs so do your research to find the best options available.

  1. Teacher

Not all teachers are eligible for loan forgiveness. However, if you work in a low-income school district, as a special educational needs teacher or you teach a subject that’s in particular demand, you could qualify for the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program. The amount you receive will depend upon the number of years you have spent in the job and qualifying teachers can expect to receive between $5,000 and $17,500 in loan forgiveness.

  1. Veterinarian

Choose to work in a state experiencing a veterinarian shortage or just a shortage of skills working with a particular animal, and you could be eligible for loan forgiveness. The Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program pays up to $25,000 per year to vets who match this description, have worked in said area for three years or more and make the proper applications.

  1. Military

There are a number of student loan forgiveness programs available for military personnel. The Montgomery G.I. Bill may pay up to 60% of college tuition fees. The PSLF is another option. Member of the military who have served for ten years become eligible for complete forgiveness of their student loan.

  1. Doctor

The PSLF is also an option for doctors who choose to work in non-profit environments. Other loan forgiveness programs to try include the National Health Service Corps Program, the Student to Service Program and state level programs too. The Indian Health Services Loan Repayment Program, which offers up to $40,000 worth of repayments, is available to graduates who work for two years within an organisation that specifically supports American Indian communities.

  1. Dentist

Dentists are eligible for many of the loan forgiveness programs open to doctors. They can also try the Maine Dental Education Loan Forgiveness Program. Maine is currently suffering from a dentist shortage and able to offer dentists working in the area up to $80,000 per year.

  1. Social Worker

Social workers can’t rely on a hefty salary for doing their job. However there are benefits to be gained in loan forgiveness. Social workers who work with families in areas deemed as low-income or high risk are eligible for total loan forgiveness. Working longer in a particular area makes a social worker eligible for a greater amount deducted from their loan.

With the right planning you can start in your chosen career as soon as you graduate from college. If your interests and your qualifications chime with one of these eligible careers, you could be a lot better off thanks to one of many great loan forgiveness programs.

Author’s Info:

Sienna Walker is a careers blogger who often writes for students and young people entering the workforce. Currently supporting DirectorStats, Sienna is always happy when her articles meet with interest of young job-seekers and business people. Follow her on @SiennaWalkerS.

Are There Any Study Tips You Shouldn’t Take?


Alt Title: Are There Any Myths About Effective Studying?

Studying is one of your most important fundamental tools for success in college. It’s not enough to merely attend classes; you need to do the readings, go over your notes, and truly absorb what you’re learning.

There are hundreds of study tips floating around out there, and some of them are pretty good. For example, you may have heard that studying as a group is often more effective than studying alone, or that taking notes by hand is more effective at helping you form and retain memories associated with that subject matter.

However, there are also some popular myths about studying that sound good and are easy to believe, but they might actually interfere with your ability to learn.

Studying Tips You Shouldn’t Take

Adults and other students might suggest using these study tips to improve your performance, but you’re better off passing on them:

  1. Using memorization tricks. There are lots of tricks you can use to memorize information, such as relying on mnemonic devices, or using flash cards to drill new associations. However, memorization is a technique that leads to temporary retention; as soon as the test is over, you’ll probably forget whatever you learned. Remember, college is a place to truly learn and absorb information—not just store it long enough to regurgitate it on an exam. Devote your time to learning and understanding your subject matter, rather than cheaply memorizing it.
  2. Allowing pressure to improve your performance. This tip, like some of the others on this list, has a grain of truth to it. In some situations, people tend to perform better under pressure; for example, athletes perform better in high-stakes games because of higher adrenaline and focus. However, this doesn’t apply to studying. Increasing pressure by procrastinating your studies gives you less time to fully absorb the information you’re reviewing, and the increased stress will make it harder for you to focus on what you’re doing. Plus, you may stay up late, missing out on sleep, which is one of the most important precursors to forming new memories.
  3. Focusing solely on time spent studying. Have you ever heard a fellow student brag about how much time they spent studying? Or heard a professor recommend you spend an hour every night reviewing the material covered in class? It’s true that you should dedicate a minimum amount of time for studying—that way, it doesn’t fall out of your routine—but time alone doesn’t tell you how effectively you studied, or how much information you retained. One person may be more productive in an hour than another person is in three.
  4. Studying in the same place every time. Consistency is important for studying effectively; studying for an hour after class, every day, can help you create a good rhythm and hammer in details related to your classes. However, studying in the same place every day can grow tiresome. Instead, it’s better to study in new locations, with new sensory experiences, which will help you form new memories and keep the studying process interesting.
  5. Studying only one concept at a time. Again, there’s a grain of truth here; human beings are notoriously bad at multitasking. However, if you devote all your time in one session to drilling one specific concept, you may be doing yourself a disservice. It’s better to learn incrementally, exposing yourself to a concept in brief chunks, many times over an extended period, compared to only exposing yourself to a concept once, in a big chunk. For that reason, it’s often better to study small bits of multiple concepts in each session.
  6. Avoiding studying too early. That incremental, frequent exposure is also valuable when attempting to time your studying habits. Some people will suggest that you avoid studying too early; after all, if you study six weeks before an exam, you might forget everything by the time the exam rolls around, right? This might be true if you spend your efforts temporarily memorizing the information, but if you’re focused on learning and internalizing the information, studying earlier is actually better—it gives you more time and more opportunities to store that information as a permanent memory.

A Note on Experimentation

All the tips in this article are presented in terms of their average effectiveness, and those conclusions are relatively accurate for most people. However, everyone studies a bit differently, and has different studying preferences. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different studying styles, trying different approaches and environments, until you find a pattern that works specifically for you; just treat any new tips you receive with a degree of skepticism, and don’t let confirmation bias cloud your judgment on what works and what doesn’t.

Melissa Burns graduated from the faculty of Journalism of Iowa State University. Nowadays she is an entrepreneur and independent journalist. Follow her @melissaaburns or contact at


Strategies To Expand Female STEM Graduates


The number of women graduating with degrees in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) has lagged behind those of their male counterparts for decades. This is particularly true in the areas of engineering, where women’s graduation rates have remained stagnant for nearly 45 years. The graduation rates in computer science fields are equally abysmal, as a mere one in five computer science degrees are awarded to women.

The lack of women in STEM fields has the potential to lead to a number of societal detriments.

“This needs to change, as the lack of women in STEM will continue to plague our country until all students, regardless of sex, have adequate opportunities to explore math and science throughout elementary, middle and high school,” Edutopia author Karen D. Purcell writes. “If we want to attract the best and brightest minds into the fields that will move us forward, we must look to all of the population. More women can contribute to our field, and we can help make that happen.”

There are a number of strategies that ought to be considered, but first, educators must ask themselves why this disparity exists and what can be done to aid the problem.

Several factors might influence a young woman’s decision to pursue a particular career path, but studies show that lack of ability is not one of them. In fact, most show that there is no major difference in STEM ability between the two genders. There is a divide, however, in perceived competence between the two genders.

“One study found that by the spring of kindergarten, boys have a greater willingness to learn math concepts,” Huffington Post contributor Alicia Chang writes. “By third grade, boys rate their own math competence higher than girls do, even though no differences in actual performance are found.”

There are also pervasive and widely held stereotypes that suggest boys possess more innate abilities in STEM than girls do. This stereotype has proven to impact children’s learning. Boys tend to receive more encouragement in mathematics and science from parents and teachers, and their skills tend to be overestimated when compared to their female peers. Additionally, girls tend to receive gender-specific toys that may not encourage STEM based skills such as building or spatial reasoning.

While children are aware of physical differences as early as age two, they don’t have a complete grasp of society’s gender roles until age seven, note the child education experts at Kindercare. “That journey of understanding is important for shaping both children’s identity and what they can and cannot become, and how gender messages are internalized can have a real impact on your child’s life path,” they continue.

Socialization in early childhood matters. If girls are not encouraged, and also do not expect to succeed in math and other STEM fields, it’s hardly surprising that by the time they reach college they choose to pursue other areas of expertise.

The first step to creating meaningful change in order to encourage more women and girls to pursue STEM careers, is to acknowledge the challenges that currently exist. Bringing awareness to the implicit bias that persists in education will allow teachers and parents to be more cognizant of how they speak to young women, how to better mentor them, and how to encourage active and enthusiastic participation in STEM studies.

“Correcting the negative perceptions that girls develop at a young age can, however, lead them to embrace math and science when they reach high school, rather than avoid the subjects,” Purcell writes. “Administrators and educators must strive to create environments in high school and college math and science programs that are inviting to females if we want to prevent the likelihood of their choosing a different direction. As long as young boys and girls are exposed to science and technology and are equally encouraged to study those disciplines, those with talent and a genuine interest in those fields will be able to develop that interest.”

Beyond recognizing problematic patterns of socialization, experts note that there are other ways to ensure that girls remain invested in STEM. Some note that taking the focus off grades may be one stepping stone into keeping girls active.

“That was very important to me, because I wasn’t doing great in those classes, but I was liking them,” writes 22-year-old Samara Trilling, a recent graduate of Columbia University’s Computer Science program who now works as a software engineer for Google. “This was one of the things that made me feel free to take the next [computer science] class, and the next one, without worrying that it was a bad decision or that it was silly to keep taking classes that I wasn’t excelling in. Ultimately, I started doing better, and eventually caught up with my classmates who’d been coding since childhood,” she told NBC News.

This is especially important for young women who are trying to master a new skill they might not have experience in. “In most cases, these young women are trying to master a skill they haven’t tried before and they need to be easier on themselves,” Columbia University CS department chairwoman Julia Hirschberg tells NBC News.

It’s also important that women find a community where they can share their experiences, triumphs, struggles, and find mentorship moving forward. In male dominated fields especially, women are more likely to feel alienated in their studies. Whether that community is online, or face-to-face, these relationships can be valuable once women have chosen to study in STEM fields.

“The value of mentorship is irreplaceable,” Purcell argues. “Finding a mentor early on can do wonders for building confidence and translating it into career satisfaction.”

As the University of Cincinnati’s Master of Education program points out, “the future success and leadership of the United States lies in the hands of our educational system and the students emerging with degrees in science, technology, engineering and math.” In order for the U.S. to progress, women and young girls must be an integral part of colleges’ STEM recruiting efforts, and be supported throughout their education.

Danika is a writer and musician from the Northwest who sometimes takes a 30 minute break from feminism to enjoy a tv show. You can follow her on Twitter @sadwhitegrrl

Things to expect at your First Job Interview


The process of finding and applying for various jobs has been made simple thanks to modern technology. While most application processes and assessments are done online, one is still required to attend physical interviews to be considered for the job. For first-time job applicants, the idea of a job interview process can be quite nerve wrecking. However, one can overcome their nerves by preparing adequately for the upcoming interview. To succeed at job interviews, applicants should research on the expectations of the potential employers.

Below are some of the things one can expect on their first job interview:

  • Scrutiny
  • Interviewer(s)
  • Knowledge of the company
  • General Questions


It is true, the dress code is an important part of a job interview. As such, the interviewee should expect scrutiny from the moment they walk into the room.  As a first-time job applicant, it is crucial for one to conduct thorough research regarding the selected company. Each company or organization a culture that is unique to their organization.  A company will have a certain image that reflects its status in the market. For this reason, a job applicant should endeavor to reflect the company’s image through their appearance.

For instance, if the company is more professional, one should dress in the appropriate attire that denotes professionalism. On the other hand, if an organization is more casual, one can dress in attire that resonates with the company’s image. When in doubt, about the company’s image, one would rather dress professionally than be underdressed, after all, first impressions last forever.


Different companies have unique ways of conducting interviews. An interview process will depend on the type of job as well as the company’s procedures. However, in most cases, job applicants are interviewed either by a human resources officer, lone manager or a panel. For a first job interviewee, one should be adequately prepared to deal with anything and everything. Most importantly, the interviewee should demonstrate confidence and proper poise as most interviewers make up their mind about candidates within the first few minutes.

Knowledge of the company

First-time candidates who have a thorough knowledge of the company as well as the position, stand a higher chance of succeeding at interviews. As a first-time interviewee, one should expect the interviewer to ask comprehensive questions regarding the company as well the applied position. For this reason, it is important for the candidate to have in-depth knowledge of the company, its industry, its competitors and other related matters. A candidate that demonstrates sufficient knowledge of the company is perceived as more prepared and suitable for the position.



General Questions

During the interview process, the candidate should expect numerous questions regarding their professional background. In some cases, the potential employer may ask a few personal questions to access the candidate’s personality and attitude. While the interviewer may have the applicant’s information, it important for the candidate to know the exact details outlined in their resume. Most interviewers will especially want to know one’s experience and skill that qualifies them for the position.

Potential employers hope to retain workers with unique capabilities and talents. As such, they will expect the candidate to explain particular character traits that set them apart and qualify them for the position.

Attending a job interview can be a nerve-wrecking ordeal for anyone. The only way to succeed, especially in a first job interview is to ensure you are fully prepared. When one is equipped with sufficient knowledge of the company and the position, they will naturally exude confidence during the interview. Lastly, knowing what to expect during the interview will definitely help an interviewee prepare accordingly for the job interview.


Corinne Ledling is a businesswoman who’s very passionate about her job. She’s a Content Manager at and loves to share career tips and tricks.


Support Services that Every College Student Should Use


College campuses offer a range of student support services, but they are often under-utilized. Every student could use a bit of support, including academic tutoring and professional counseling.  Generally, students are already paying for these services as part of the cost of attending college, so there’s no reason to not use these resources!

Here, I provide an overview of the four main types of student support services that most colleges offer.

Learning Resources

At the learning resources center, you can get help with how to be a successful student.  You’ll learn concrete strategies for managing your time, prioritizing your assignments, and more.  When you don’t know who to talk to about an academic issue, the learning resources center is a great place to start.

Some students would benefit greatly from having weekly appointments with the same learning resources staff person.  This arrangement allows for continuity: the staff person gets to know you well and develops an understanding of the particular support you need in any given week.

Depending on the campus, the office that serves students with disabilities may be housed under the learning resources center.  Students with special needs should make use of this resource to discuss testing accommodations, getting a note-taker when they’re not able to write due to an injury, and other services.

Counseling and Behavioral Health

Everyone can benefit from getting help with adjusting to new changes or managing personal and situational challenges.  College comes with many such challenges at a life stage where many are still figuring out who they are and who they want to become.  You are not alone in having these questions.

College campuses offer confidential counseling to students.  This resource can be used even when you just want to talk with someone.  There’s no need to wait until the situation gets worse to talk with a counseling professional.  Other typical services include helping students to develop coping strategies and to grow personally and professionally.


Campuses offer tutoring so that you can get help in almost any academic subject.  You’re not the only one that may think that college isn’t easy; that’s why tutoring services exist.

Different campuses offer tutoring in varying forms.

On some campuses, the tutoring center offers services at a central location and also conveniently at satellite locations, including dorms.  Depending on the campus, the tutoring center may also be the same place that provides academic support for student athletes.  These support staff members understand the demanding schedules of student athletes and can cater to their time constraints.

Writing Help

Students often find academics at the collegiate level to be challenging, especially when complex readings need to be done alongside academic writing.  As the former director of the writing center at a major university, I can confidently say that the writing center is a great resource for any student.

The tutors or writing specialists are the core of the writing center.  At some writing centers, tutors are hired externally, while at others, the tutors are undergraduates, graduate students, and/or faculty members.  Writing tutors are trained or have particular expertise in helping students become confident, skillful writers.

Writing center tutors and specialists help students with course assignments as well as fellowship applications and other writing pieces that aren’t for classes.  You’ll be able to get help on just about any type of writing at the writing center.

Final Thoughts

Take advantage of these student support services, no matter how you think you’re doing academically or personally.  If you’re an A student, why not up your game and get feedback on your coursework from a tutor?  If you’re not doing as well as you think you should, act sooner rather than later to get some help.  It is well worth your time.


Lan Ngo, PhD is a Project Delivery Manager in the Learning Lab at the University of Pennsylvania, where she is also an Education Lecturer.  Lan is the co-founder of