How to Stop Hurting Your Health While Studying
We have already touched upon the importance of self-care for students, but it is one of the topics that can’t be stressed enough. After all, it is during their student years that most people acquire habits and form action patterns that remain with them for the rest of their lives – which means that by making a conscious effort to study in a healthy way now you can lay the foundation for your health and well-being for many years ahead. So let’s discuss some aspects of your studying regimen and see how it can be improved.
1. Studying Outside
Although going outside (like to a park) to study may be a good idea because it makes you walk around, get some sunlight and generally provides better lighting than any artificial source, it is largely a matter of preference. Some people find outside world to be too distracting and annoying when they try to concentrate on their studies, and going against the grain in such a way will only cause unnecessary stress.
2. Exercises
Most of the studying is done in a sitting position, and it should hardly come as a surprise that sitting all day in and day out isn’t very healthy. Even if you maintain a strenuous exercise regimen and go to a gym several times a week, it doesn’t offset the fact that you spend most of your time without moving. You should make sure you do at least a little bit of movement every now and then throughout your workday – you may take a walk around a block, do a few squats or at least some stretches – it won’t take a lot of time but will go a long way towards maintaining your general condition.
3. Maintaining Proper Sitting Position
As we’ve already said, most studying is done while sitting down; there is no escape from it (unless you are willing to buy a rather costly standing desk, which usually isn’t a possibility for most students). So, if you are going to sit down anyway, you may just as well do it right. The Internet is rife with recommendations on how to arrange your work desk, how to sit correctly to avoid strain, complete with pictures and diagrams. Take into account your own possibilities and position, and find what works for you. Just make sure you don’t sit prone and have a comfortable chair.
4. Reading Lying Down
People read lying down when they try to find a more relaxing and restful position than when they sit straight at their desk – however, in the long run they don’t achieve this goal. Whichever position you choose (on your back, on your stomach, half-sitting in bed), all of them force you to strain either your eyes or your hands and arms, which doesn’t make for good studying.
5. Carrying Your Backpack Correctly
Your backpack isn’t what you normally think about as something that can hurt you, but it can – especially if you are constantly lugging around a ton of books and other studying materials and carry it in a wrong way. Of course, the best way to avoid harm from carrying a heavy backpack is not doing it at all but, unfortunately, for a student, it isn’t always possible. So make sure you follow some rules: keep heavier objects at the bottom to avoid neck strain, don’t let the backpack swing around and keep it close to your body, and distribute the weight evenly to avoid postural stress.
Studying is hard enough without making it harder on yourself by making it actually painful – so make sure you support your health and well-being as much as possible while engaged in it!
David Gutierrez has worked in the field of web design since 2005. Right now he started learning Java in order to get second occupation. His professional interests defined major topics of his articles. David writes about new web design software, recently discovered professional tricks and also monitors the latest updates of the web development.