How to Balance Academics and College Sports
To become a well-established and a gentle person in life, you have to follow a good education system and score good marks in your academics. For this, you have to take up your studies and course subjects quite seriously. But at the same time, if you keep yourself indulged in studies only, you will be missing out on other major parts of your life. One of those parts includes sports. Sports or other outdoor fitness activities are an essential part of our life. For the very same reason, sport is included along with the academics in the various colleges and institutions. Sport-related research has shown that it helps to keep our mind fresh and also the exercise part keeps us fit and healthy. Sports in colleges include various events such as types of races, football, cricket, and basketball. Nowadays, the colleges have allotted marks in sports as well so that everyone takes part in it.
Advantages of being involved in sports
College life is the time when you learn many things apart from studies, which provides important lessons in your path of life. This includes both good and bad things. Sometimes if you are influenced more by bad things, then the only way to get out of them is through sports.
- It prevents you from becoming addicted to injurious habits like smoking, drinking, etc.
- It makes you more conscious about your health and would keep you fit.
- If you are indulged in physical exercises, then your body will be more immune to diseases or other health disorders and this, in turn, will help you to maintain your regularity in college classes.
- Some government jobs choose students on behalf of their excellence in sports. So if you are good in any particular sport then you may get a chance to build up a good career in it.
Sport-related research shows that children who are indulged in both sports and academics in college are better focused on their career. This is because sports teach discipline, concentration, and time-management through its activities. It will also keep the students away from mental stress which is quite common nowadays.
Being an athlete, one can develop leadership skills or develop team game skills as well as communication skills. These qualities will come handy in working on projects. Projects demand equal efforts and contribution from all the students. In managing the schedule of athletics and academics the students will be learning the meaning of being accountable and dependable.
Which is the priority?
Both of these topics could serve as a priority in a student’s career based on his/her interests. If these two activities can be balanced equally then there is no need to prioritise any one of them. For balancing between these two, a student needs to learn effective time management. A fixed amount of time should be dedicated to each of these activities. For proper time management, they can take help from their parents or even from their teachers.
It is quite difficult to balance both
Yes, of course maintaining equal records in two different fields are very difficult but it is not at all impossible. You can give equal weight to both your academics and college sports and can produce equal results in both of them. If you get the support from your parents and you yourself provide the effort equally in both the fields then you can do them both. It will be equally good for you because you are utilizing your entire time throughout the day. It is okay if sometimes you gap out from any one of them. For example, you may skip your sports session for a few days before or during your exams. Or you can give the full concentration to sports for a few days after the exam and skip studies for a couple of days or so. The thing is you yourself have to manage your daily routine and understand when to do.
Nowadays the colleges and other such institutions are providing aid to make up with the absent classes. Students can collect the notes later and study. If they find any difficulty in understanding the context, the teachers will guide them accordingly. Athlete students should bear the responsibility of informing the professors about future absences.
People will produce the best results when they are pushed to their maximum. Pushing through their limits, students can discover their maximum abilities and on what qualities they need to develop so that they can become a better individual in the future.
Planning is essential
Planning is essential to balance academics and college sports. Students need to focus on the following points-
- The number of hours is needed to complete the essential tasks.
- Managing time to catch up with other peoples.
- Keeping some free time of their own to take part in other activities.
Students can plan out a routine for seven days in a week where time slots will be divided for each task. Whenever they will follow that particular routine, it will become easier to keep everything in a balanced state.
However, students must learn not to stretch themselves too much over the limit. This will produce adverse effects and they may suffer the consequences. Management is an important quality which is achieved while balancing between college sports and academics. Thus, a student will be able to make himself/herself a better person if he/she learns what to do and when to do.
Leslie Wilder a creative writer & blogger, who is residing in Nashville the capital of U.S. state of Tennessee, I’m also a self-proclaimed happiness junkie, and someone you would generally consider confident and well balanced.
Learn More About the Financial World to Invest During College
Finding your passion during student years comes naturally to some people, while others find it later in life. Among every student generation, there are always a few students who enjoy learning about the finance world and dream of becoming one of the professionals on Wall Street.
As much this might seem like just a fantasy, students nowadays have plenty of options to start investing their money to ensure a better future for themselves. If you’ve found yourself in this introduction, keep reading as we bring you useful tips for student investors.
Read books about finance
Use your free time to educate yourself more about the financial world. Go to the library and start reading books which will provide you with a deeper understanding of how things work regarding financial institutions, money flow, global trends, investment, etc. These books will help you understand terms which are not used in everyday life but are very helpful once you learn them. As it is with everything new, you have to start from the basics, so find books that are written for young people like yourself who are enthusiastic to learn more about the finances.
Learn more about RSI
The Relative Strength Index, or RSI, is a commonly used concept in online trading. It’s actually a technical indicator used in financial market analysis, and just like any other financial concept, it can seem pretty confusing in the beginning. However, it’s vital to understand it if you wish to be successful at trading and make well-informed, beneficial financial decisions. As these concepts can be very complicated for students and young people, you will be able to find useful guides on RSI, such as the one by online broker Easy Markets. It will help you learn how to apply and trade RSI support and resistance and reveal key benefits of using the RSI.
Analyze your financial situation
You can practice your understanding of finances on your own example by analyzing your current situation as a student. Do you have credit cards with high-interest rates or outstanding loans you need to take care of before making any investment decision? If you have a debt, try to research and find the best way to pay it off. Then, write down all of your more significant expenses to determine how much money you would be able to invest. Rushing into something you don’t quite yet understand is the most common reason for investment failure.
Buy your first investments
After you’ve analyzed your financial situation and determined how much money you can invest, you should open a brokerage account. You can either choose online discount brokers to execute online trades automatically or traditional brokerages with a one-on-one approach. Many young investors will choose the first option as they don’t require a large sum of money and charge very high fees as traditional brokerages do. Discount brokerages will require a significantly smaller initial deposit and charge on each buy and sell order. Some of them will even provide you with free educational tools and research reports to help you make better investment decisions.
Focus on smaller investments
Don’t put all of your money into a few stock right away as it might severely damage your entire financial situation and the quality of your college life. Instead, start making smaller investments on a regular basis, e.g. every month or every several months. This is a perfect method for beginner investors as they start with a smaller amount of money and wish to reduce the risk by controlling their financial situation every step of the way. Spread out your investments rather than just investing your money into one or two opportunities. Not to mention that a diversified portfolio can lead to exposure to a wide range of assets and market sectors in the future.
Don’t start investing your money until you’re sure that you understand what you’re investing in and why. Keep in mind that money invested in a bad opportunity can never be returned. That’s why it’s crucial to learn more about the financial world to be able to make smarter choices that will impact your future.
Melissa Burns graduated from the faculty of Journalism of Iowa State University. Nowadays she is an entrepreneur and independent journalist. Follow her @melissaaburns or contact at
How to Protect College Students from Cyber bullying
5 Things That Can Be Done
Cyber bullying is a problem for absolutely everyone. Although most tragic stories of cyber bullying that make headlines involve high school students, even adults are guilty of hiding behind the internet to prey on the insecurities of others. Unfortunately, the anonymous nature of the internet makes it easy for people to feel as though they have the freedom to target people who don’t deserve such ridicule.
College students are not an exception – they need and deserve protection – and it all starts with the way a campus handles social dynamics.
- Encourage Students to Think Before They Post
Some cyber bullying doesn’t begin with malicious intent. It is occasionally thoughtlessness that leads someone (or a group of people) to feel bullied. Sharing insensitive jokes can easily escalate to a situation where someone feels oppressed, targeted, or ridiculed. A process like sensitivity training may encourage students to think before they click the “share” button. They need to be aware of the ramifications of what they may believe to be funny in the moment. If an inappropriate sense of humor leads to their college classmates feeling uncomfortable, their actions aren’t work a temporary laugh.
- Make it Easy to Report Online Harassment
The increasing prevalence of cyber bullying is concerning. Statistics on cyberbullying seem to indicate that the issue is becoming more widespread. In order to stop the negative impact that cyber bullying may have on college students, a reporting system may be necessary. If there are appointed exemplary students or staff members that students feel comfortable discussing the issue with, this layer of accountability may make students think twice before victimizing a peer. Consequences must be clearly established and enacted when students are found to be cyberbullying other students.
- Build Activities Around Empathy
Certain groups of people are more likely to receive negative criticism or bullying. These are often the same groups of people who are more likely to face discrimination in society. By encouraging support or unity groups on campus, those who may otherwise feel like outsiders may find that they flourish. Having friends of a similar station can help students cope with unwarranted comments or malicious messages from people they feel may be targeting them. Promote positive activities that bring people together and keep mindsets optimistic. Teach the victims of cyber bullying that instead of listening to naysayers and haters, they should invest both time and energy into improving themselves, following their passions and reaching their dreams.
- Emphasize the Importance of Social Media Privacy
Social media privacy is extraordinarily important in college. In this case, the issue is twofold. Keeping social media private and only accepting friend requests from highly familiar people will limit the opportunity for cyberbullying, as anonymity is less likely to be a factor. Keeping social media private will also prevent issues with future employers or internship opportunities – HR professionals won’t be able to see the student’s private life.
Colleges should go the extra mile to explain internet safety to students and discuss the merits of keeping their private lives private, despite the temptation to share every moment with the entire internet.
- Manage Student Stress Levels
Addressing the motivations behind cyber bullying may help to prevent it. While motivations may be hard to determine, stress is undoubtedly a contributing factor to negative behavior. College is a stressful time for nearly every student. Expectations are high, students are coming into formal adulthood, and they’re feeling the pressure of building the future they’ve always wanted. Some people lash out when they’re stressed – they don’t know what to do with their surplus of unfavorable emotions. Prevent other students from becoming the target of those emotions by encouraging everyone to de-stress.
Some colleges use unorthodox approaches to bring happiness to campus during times of high academic pressure. It isn’t unheard of for colleges to bring in puppies for students to play with or host campus-wide festivities that encourage students to blow off steam. Make sure there are plenty of outlets to melt the natural tension.
Cyber bullying is nearly impossible to eradicate, but it can be managed through measured steps. Keep an open dialogue about cyber bullying on campus, and make sure every student knows where to go for support and resources.
About Ariana:
Ariana Williams is a pedagogy graduate and an avid writer who often let’s her passions for writing and teaching coalesce and merge. Whenever not writing, Ariana enjoys spending time with her family. Feel free to visit her Twitter and say “hi”.
College Classroom Presentations And Public Speaking: 10 Dos and Don’ts
Public speaking is a skill that’s valued by employers the world over, which is why many courses at university include presentations as part of their assessment criteria.
While some might assume presenting in front of your classmates is easier than a room of strangers, in many cases, it’s not. To make sure you’ve got the confidence to put your best foot forward, we’ve compiled a list of ten essential presentations dos and don’ts.
Even the most confident of public speakers should never wing a presentation. Rehearsing will make you feel more comfortable with what you’re presenting, which will, in turn, stop you from freezing in front of your classmates.
Use Imagery
Human brains process images 60,000 times faster than text. Therefore, you should always try to present your findings in an aesthetically-pleasing presentation that visualizes numerical data into charts. If design isn’t your thing, try using a free online presentation maker such as Flipsnack. Presentation tools such as these allow you to add sound, images, video, and other media to slides using a simple click and drop format.
Reduce the Word Count
Each slide you create should focus on communicating one point. The written content on that slide should support what you’re about to expand on orally. Although there isn’t a limit on how many words you should use per slide, a good rule of thumb is that it shouldn’t take longer than ten seconds to read. Keeping to this rule will allow your classmates the time to take in the information before you begin talking. It will also give you a brief moment to compose yourself between slides.
Get Your Classmates Involved
One easy way to capture the attention of your classmates (and teacher) is to ask them questions during your presentation. These questions can be broken down into two main categories: rhetorical and interactive.
Rhetorical questions aren’t designed to elicit a verbal response from a listener but will keep them engaged in what you’re telling them. Some examples include:
“How many times have you thought about…?”
“How many of you have gone…?”
Interactive questions, one the other hand, encourage verbal participation from an audience. They should, however, be close-ended. Otherwise, you may find yourself listening to an array of responses, or, worst of all, none at all. Some examples include:
“Out of these options, which is your favorite?”
“By a show of hands, how many of you agree with this opinion?
Keep Eye Contact
Eye contact is what connects you to your listeners. It creates the impression that you’re confident in what you’re presenting. If you’re not looking at your audience, they’re not looking at you. When that happens, it’s easy for their concentration to drift.
Speak Too Quickly
Nerves have a profound effect on the speed in which we talk. Professor Raymond H. Hull explained in his 2017 book, The Art of Presenting: Your Competitive Edge, how fast talkers can reach speeds that exceed the brain’s natural ability to understand what is being said without concerted effort. Although there isn’t an overnight cure to speaking too quickly, recording yourself and listening back is a good way of comprehending just how easy it’s for listeners to take in what you’re saying.
Forget Your Personality
Don’t worry if you’re not naturally confident or charismatic. These aren’t necessarily prerequisites for a good presentation. What you do need to be, however, is relatable and honest. Your audience needs to feel a human element in your presentation so that they feel a connection with you, and consequently, your presentation.
Read Your Slides Aloud
This follows on from the last point. Simply reading aloud what is written on your slides points to a lack of preparation. Worst yet, it’s boring. Using physical cue cards to jot down the important pieces of information to convey for each slide is the easiest way to overcome this problem. Write small hints that will help to jog your memory when presenting. Remember, you shouldn’t just repeat what is already on your slide; you need to expand on it.
Try to Be Funny
Humor that reads well on paper doesn’t always translate well to speech. Unfortunately, a joke that lands flat on its face could see your confidence plummet and affect the rest of your presentation. For those reasons alone, it’s best to leave humor out of your presentations until you become more confident in public speaking.
Forget to Prepare for Questions
Q&A sessions are common at the end of a presentation. If your lecturer has asked you to prepare for this, try to envisage the types of questions you may be asked and prepare some appropriate responses.
Kate Larson is a college student and aspiring blogger, who has a strong interest in the environment and personal well-being. She enjoys travelling and reading, as well as writing novels.
How Can US Graduates Enroll in UK Higher Education?
The UK is among the top and most desired directions for international students who seek high educational standards and wish to build a successful career. In 2017, the median salaries for male and female professionals who have attained first degree qualifications at the UK higher education institutions were equal to £24,000 and £22,000 respectively. Because of this, the UK is considered a great target destination for recent graduates who want to start their careers on a high note. However, if you are from the US, studying in a different country could be difficult with the enrollment process being the main obstacle to overcome. This guide exists to provide graduates from the US with a step-by-step review of what they need to do to get a place at a top UK university.
Remember the Key Differences in Educational Systems
The UK offers a vastly different educational experience than the US. Remembering the following points could be essential in successful enrolment.
- Average higher education length: 3 years (UK) vs. 4 years (US).
- Entry: A-level exams (UK) vs. SAT (US).
- Curriculum: More focus and less choice (UK) vs. more choice and less specialisation (US).
- Assessment: Final exams (UK) vs. regular evaluation (US).
- Grading: Honours and standards (UK) vs. A-F GCPA (US).
Attain the Necessary Finances
Debates rage on about whether the UK is cheaper to study at than the US. According to a recent study, the average tuition rates are in the range of £9,000 (or about $13,000), making the US and the UK similar. However, one huge advantage the UK has over the US is the low-per cent student loans that typically are significantly less expensive to pay off. Before enrolling, make sure whether you qualify for one of these loans and, if yes, find out what steps are needed to attain the finances.
Match Qualifications with Employers’ Expectations
With the UK educational system focusing on specialisation, there is little freedom to choose the courses you want. The implication is that you might want to use a course database (such as UCAS) to familiarise yourself with the features of the courses in your preferred area of expertise and what sort of qualifications are offered post-graduation. The latter is particularly important as some qualifications are only recognised by specific employers. Before making an online application, make sure that your degree will match your career expectations.
Check for Alternative Entry Requirements and Complete the Enrolment Process
Enrolment in the UK is based on A-level exams; the vast majority of the course descriptions you will read will focus on A-level results. It is your responsibility to check whether your SAT results are sufficient to meet the requirements of a specific programme. Usually, the programme website mentions at least one criterion applicable to international students. If not, you could always contact the UK National Information Recognition Centre. The majority of universities offer an option for online enrolment, meaning you would need to have digital certified copies of your documents.
Sort out Your Accommodation
After enrollment is complete, the next step is to check for available accommodation. Most universities offer places on campus or student villages which are usually up to international standards and inexpensive. You may also want to check online communities, namely Casita. These are great for cooperating with fellow international students.
Create a Document Package for Getting a Visa
As a graduate from the US, you will not be required to document your English proficiency. The visa you would need to apply for is a Tier 4 student visa which will enable you to stay in the UK longer than 6 months. While the application process is simple and can be done online, there are a few caveats such as the need to document your ability to finance yourself and providing confirmation of your acceptance. Bank statements are typically enough to confirm your personal finances; the confirmation is issued by the university after the applicant selection process.
Studying abroad is a worthy objective with the UK providing the universities and curricula to significantly boost your future employability. Using the above recommendations, you will be able to navigate the challenging international student landscape and get the degree you have always wanted.
Author Bio
Anna Clarke is the owner of online writing company 15 Writers. She is a successful entrepreneur with over 20 years’ experience in freelancing, academic dissertation writing consulting, specialising in Business, Economics, Finance, Marketing and Management.
Some Crucial Steps To Cultivate Academic Excellence in College
By Linda Anderson
Academic excellence matters when it comes to the successful development of young people in society. Success demands talent, but also skills, passion, hard work, maturity, and a positive outlook. In a society where higher education is accessible and, most importantly, well-rounded, it is not difficult at all to get a good education. Students are equally capable of striving for excellence. They have to do their best and produce excellent results. Adults with high levels of education and who are academically successful, so as to speak, have better chances of getting a good job, having a stable income, and they are less dependent on others. These individuals are healthier and happier. The point is that academic excellence is something to strive for. It is the ticket to success. Attaining academic excellence will not be easy but it will be well worth it. This is what students can do to achieve higher grades and superior performance.
Setting smart goals
In order to alleviate challenges, it is necessary to set smart goals. Goals are meant to ensure structure and guidance throughout the process and to help determine what needs to be accomplished. Students can use goals to create schedules for themselves, get better results, and, undoubtedly, graduate. Writing smart goals is of paramount importance for achieving the desired outcome. Examples of smart goals for college students include:
- Not procrastinating
- Doing the necessary reading
- Taking part in after-school activities
- Completing an internship
- Taking on a leadership position
The concept of smart goals is not new. SMART is an acronym and it refers to the following criteria: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Result-Oriented, Time-Bound. Setting smart goals means to focus one’s time, efforts, and resources in a productive manner. Long-term goals are essential for a successful career. Attention needs to be paid to the fact that setting smart goals is only the first step.
Belief in oneself
Numerous studies have demonstrated that students who believe in themselves work harder to attain positive results and actually achieve academic excellence. When executing a carefully planned approach, there will be obstacles. This is the reason why pupils should make an effort to believe in themselves. Hope in one’s ability to achieve goals leads to success, greater creativity, better problem-solving skills, and absence of depression or anxiety. Speaking of which, students who are depressed may resort to drinking or abusing drugs, according to the mental and behavioral experts at . Students believe they need to be perfect, so they constantly worry about grades and competition. They are more than capable of mastering complex content and shaping their future. They are just not aware of this fact. Students who yearn for academic success should build belief in themselves and their efficacy. Challenges, pressures, and anxieties are normal. What is more, they are good opportunities for discovering hidden aptitudes.
Establishing good study habits
Good study habits should be practiced from the moment that the student enters university. Students can prepare by getting a good understanding of the nature of their assignments, as well as their purposes. This helps develop good study habits. Needless to say, assignments should not be completed at the last minute. It is recommendable to set time aside for working on assignments, dealing with the most pressing ones first. As far reading materials and textbooks are concerned, they need to be accompanied by words. In addition to creating a schedule, students will want to set up a proper learning environment. It is best to have a place without distractions. The dorm room environment tends to be turbulent, so the library represents a better choice.
By line for Linda Anderson
I’m a writer and musician residing in Boise, ID in the United States, although I spent a small amount of time (about three years) living in the UK growing up, due to my father’s occupation. I graduated from the College of Idaho with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and a focus in marketing.
8 Tips to Raise Your Self-Esteem While in College
You seem to be handling it all. You are getting to your classes and making sure your homework is in on time and your reading is done. Everything seems to be going well, but slowly you realize you missed a few assignments and you are falling behind. Your self-esteem starts to drop and you become depressed. If you are feeling overwhelmed, do not worry. This happens to many people while attending college. Here are eight tips to raise your self esteem.
- Introduce yourself – Take time early in the semester to introduce yourself to your instructors. This will make a great impression on them and they will be more willing to help you if you are feeling overwhelmed. If you do not understand something in the class, see if you can meet with them during their office hours to discuss what you are having difficulty with. Most professors will take the time to help you get through their class.
2. Hang out – Take some time away from studying and hang out with people. Everyone needs a break; and, if you are feeling the pressure, you really need one. Take some time off to talk to people outside your dorm. Hang out in the quad or go to a nearby park. Getting away from your books for an hour or so can help you reboot and start over.
3. Take a class you love – At least once a semester try and take a class that peaks your interest and is fun. You could take a rock-climbing class that will go towards your PE credits, or an art class that you can fit into your requirements. Do something you enjoy and you will feel less stressed about your other classes.
4. Do not be critical – Even though you feel down in the dumps, do not criticize yourself. You are worthy and strong. “Remember your good values and concentrate on them. While you may think at times you cannot accomplish anything, just remember that you got into college. You accomplished a step that many others have not. You can do this,” says an expert from
5. Rewards – Reward yourself for little things. Did you get your pages read? Have a candy bar. Did you complete your homework? Take a walk around campus and breathe the fresh air. Small rewards will help you see what you have accomplished. You can reward big things, too. However, right now stick to the small stuff.
6. Volunteer – Sometimes it is important to step away from what you are doing and help other people. Helping others will make you realize what you have. It will also make you feel good and that will reflect in your grades and studying. Volunteer at a food bank or even a local animal shelter. Animals will give you unconditional love and help boost your spirits.
7. Journal – Take time to write down how you are feeling and what you might do to help yourself feel better. Are you handing things in late? Write about getting organized. You are more likely to follow through with things that you have written down. Be sure to write down the positive things that happened in the day, even if they are small. When you are feeling depressed, you can look back at these small bits of happiness and boost your confidence.
8. Smaller classes – Being in a large class can be overwhelming. You probably will not get the one-on-one time with the professor that you may need. Try and take smaller classes. You will be able to talk to your professor and explain what is going wrong. They will be able to sit with you and help you get back on track or offer you resources you may not have know existed. Smaller classes are more personable and welcoming.
Jane Hurst has been working in education for over 5 years as a teacher. She loves sharing her knowledge with students, is fascinated about edtech and loves reading, a lot. Follow Jane on Twitter.
How to Get An Internship : An Example From Software Development
By Emma Bonney
It’s your dream to be a software developer? Then you probably hope to land a software developing internship that would help you gain experience and enhance your skills. But not knowing how to approach this situation can be a problem. Here is what you need to do to get an internship in a software development company.
Start early
Don’t wait until spring to start looking for open positions. The recruiting season for companies specialised in software development from Eastern Europe starts in August/September because they are technology experts who want to make sure that they have time to check all the resumes they receive before choosing their interns. It’s advisable to search for an open position in Eastern Europe because it’s a centre of the tech development world and the opportunities are endless in countless industries. Start looking for internship positions in August, early September or October. Most of the companies end their recruiting process by November or December.
Use your connections
As a college student, you may feel that you don’t have any connection, because you think they should be real adults. Well, this is a misconception, you probably know some alumni who work in teams of software developers at the companies you want to work at. Also, it’s the moment for you to discover LinkedIn, it can help you build a network that facilitates your admission to the internship you want.
Reach the connections you know and who work in the field, it’s easier to ask for help from people you already know. Don’t forget to ask your friends and colleagues if they interned at companies that have dedicated teams of software engineers, they can refer you to the recruiter.
Besides reaching your connections to find out more about possible internship programs you should also use your college’s career affair. There are great chances the companies to be there to recruit students.
Your personal projects are more important than your GPA
Some students are focused only on school because they believe that their grades will bring them success. But the fact is that you should focus on the projects that passion you, the ones that help you improve your skills, and make you happy. The personal projects related to software development solutions look amazing in your resume because they show employers that you are a creative person and you have initiative.
You will notice that if you start focusing on your personal coding projects your grades will not budge even if you spend less time in school. You will acquire knowledge that will help you maintain your good grades, only that you will get it another way than studying in the traditional manner.
Also, if you focus on the things you like you will be more relaxed, and you will be able to retain more information. You will no longer be stressed out about your performance, and this will improve it.
In the IT world, side projects are always an effective way to learn new skills and to build your resume. As a student, you will also find this activity quite rewarding because you will be able to practice on your own the skills you acquired. It’s advisable to do a side project you are passionate about, don’t start one just to build your resume.
A great idea is to do coding work for non-profits, you will work with people who have the same interests, and it will help you understand what you want from your next job. Working together with other people, on a team will prove a fantastic experience.
Always apply for an internship
Keep testing the market, always apply for internships even if you’re not looking for one at the present moment. Popular IT companies like the ones from Eastern Europe give out their internships a year in advance. In the worst-case scenario, you will acquire more interview experience.
Many people apply to jobs only to test the market, you should use the same strategy. If you’ll get an internship with a popular company, it’s no reason not to accept it. You can always change your plans when it comes to your career opportunities. By testing the market, you understand where you stand in terms of your competition.
If you don’t get interviews you should keep improving your skills and resume. Work a little harder and you will have greater chances next time when you apply.
Don’t accept a job before researching the workplace culture
Sometimes it’s not hard to get accepted, it’s challenging to decide what internship is the right one for you. If you are part of a minority group, you should check the company’s culture to understand if you’ll find difficulties working there. Some tech companies can make their employees feel uncomfortable, and this is the last thing you want as an intern.
Other times you don’t have to be part of a minority to feel like your internship is the worst decision you have ever made. This type of experience can deter you from software development completely.
Do research; try to get in touch with employees, and former employees, to find out their opinion. Check if someone from your network has worked at the company and ask them to share their experience
Don’t be afraid to aim high
Sometimes IT students find hard to believe that they will ever be able to get an internship or job at a popular company because they don’t trust their skills and knowledge. Don’t have the misconception that you’ll never be good for that job. Those companies are not looking for geniuses, who spent their entire life coding; they are looking for talented people who are willing to learn new things.
IT companies are looking for people with good soft skills, good developers who can give a fresh perspective to their team. If you work hard, gain experience while working on your personal project, have a decent GPA, and you apply for the internship, you’ll definitely receive an interview invitation. You have a chance to work for a big company you only have to apply.
A bit about myself:
Emma Bonney is a successful blogger whose articles aim to help readers withself-development, Women’s Empowerment, Education, entrepreneurship and content management.
Working on Campus? Useful Tips for Undergraduate Student Employees
Gaining experience during your college years is beneficial for students in more way than one. They get practical knowledge of the area they’re working in, they grow professionally, and they learn how to manage their own finances. However, being an undergraduate student employee is not the same as a regular employee.
There are a lot of things you need to be focused at the same time, and if you add your job to it, your life can get pretty hectic. In this article, we bring you tips on how to find a job that fulfills you and doesn’t negatively impact your other student activities.
Determine what you want
Not all students have the same amount of free time on their hands. Thinking you can work four hours per day just because your friends work that much will not bring you any good. Focus on your own situation and see how many hours per week you can actually work. Also, ask yourself what type of job would you like to have. Do you want a job which will help you expand your knowledge from college or you want something completely unrelated to your studies? For instance, if you’re studying marketing, would you like to have a part-time job in a marketing agency or in the marketing department of a big corporation? Knowing what you want will help you achieve your goals in your professional life.
Know when to quit
It’s inevitable that you will have to quit your job eventually, especially during student years. It can be due to an increase in student activities, new job opportunity or you simply got tired of doing that particular job. The biggest mistake students make to continue working because they are focused on the money they earn. But, working somewhere you don’t feel motivated will have a substantial impact on your overall student life. Quitting a job is never a pleasant experience, and it will never be. However, when you decide to quit, it’s vital you do it the right way to stay professional and not harm your reputation as an undergraduate student employee. You should take a look at several resignation letter samples to deliver a good one to your boss and make your few last days as enjoyable as possible.
Track your time
Every student has numerous activities, from attending classes, studying to other student activities such as visiting events related to your studies. When you add your job to that list, you barely have time to see your friends and family. However, by tracking time, you will become more efficient and productive. Time management helps you find the time for other things that make you happy while having that healthy feeling of control. There are plenty of tools that can help you track your time and make sure you don’t forget any of your activities. One of the most effective time tracking methods for students who often have unpredictable schedules is calendar editable. This type of calendar is created on a weekly basis to make student’s plans easier to track and execute.
Ask for advice
Most of the times, we tend to neglect the fact that our job choice significantly impacts the rest of our life. Asking someone you trust or talking to somebody at your college for help can save you a lot of time which you would probably spend wandering from one place to another. People who have been working for a while now can help you understand this world much better and give you a piece of advice that will significantly help you with your job search.
When you are looking for a job, keep in mind that you should find something that helps you develop your skills and learn new things. In the end, when you find a job you like, you will not feel the burden of going to work every day. Instead, it will be a joyful experience for you, as it should be.
Sylvia Kohl is an IT teacher with more than 8 years of professional experience. Her main spheres of interest are e-education and she convinced that learning process doesn’t stop after years in school and university.
Best Tips on How to Find Cheap Student Flights
Travelling as a student often comes with a major constraint of money. From transport to stay to food to sightseeing entry costs, money is a huge factor when it comes to travel. If you are looking to get yourself a good hotel or book airport parking for your car, all it takes is a little smart planning to reduce and sometimes even, eliminate a lot of your expenses during your vacation. But one of the biggest expenses of any travel plan is the flight fares. Use these life hacks to find yourself cheaper flights when you are booking your next trip.
Go incognito
Most sites use cookies to help them serve you better and in turn, expose your browser data to the web server. You will often see that once you have searched about a particular destination, ads related to the place start popping up on your social media. It is often seen that travel sites get hold of your data, not only promote, but also to increase your fares since you are already contemplating the trip. In order to avoid having your information stored in cookies and used by websites, use your browser on the incognito mode.
Avoid the peak season
Flight fares are at their highest during several times of the year such as school vacations, holidays, as well as during the best season to travel. Going home for the holidays is definitely something every student looks forward to, but if you can manage to avoid this seasonal rush, you will get cheaper tickets for sure! Similarly make use of the shoulder season to travel, for cheaper flights and other vacation expenses.
Look for cheaper airports
If you are travelling from or visiting a place with multiple airports, look into the flight prices to and from all the different airports that cater to the locations of choice. You might be surprised to how much the price varies depending on the airports you choose. Other than the flight, several other expenses vary too. For example, if your location is San Francisco and the flight fares are the same, SFO parking might just be a tad cheaper than OAK parking, saving you some good bucks there!
Learn to travel light
Most budget airlines charge extra fare per kg of cabin baggage. Check the baggage weight limits and pack light to avoid paying exorbitant prices for extra luggage weight. Make the best use of your hand baggage weight limits to distribute your luggage more efficiently, and thus avoid paying extra baggage charges.
Look for student discounts
Like in restaurants and stores, there are discounts you can avail on flights as well, simply by virtue of being a student. There are several websites which can actually help you book your tickets for cheap if you can provide them with proof that you are currently a student. Even your school might have such tie ups which you can avail. Make the best use of your student discount to book your next tickets and save up quite a bit of money.
It is a wrong conception that travelling requires a lot of money and hence, a student has to wait to be employed to travel well. A little bit of planning goes a long way in making your travel cheaper and more efficient.
By line for Linda Anderson
I’m a writer and musician residing in Boise, ID in the United States, although I spent a small amount of time (about three years) living in the UK growing up, due to my father’s occupation. I graduated from the College of Idaho with a bachelor’s degree in Business and a focus in marketing in 2014.